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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

The "RESOLVE" Initiative

Missing Persons and Unidentified Bodies/Remains Unit

Office of the Chief Coroner

The Ontario Provincial Police and the Office of the Chief Coroner for the Province of Ontario have partnered to form the Missing Persons and Unidentified Bodies/Remains Unit.

This unit is dedicated to ensuring cases of Missing Persons and Unidentified Bodies/Remains are:

  • Receiving maximum public exposure
  • Continually updated and/or analyzed
  • Supported with current available technology

The Missing Persons and Unidentified Bodies/Remains Unit has established this website to support these investigations by providing public exposure in the hope that members of the general public can provide information as to the whereabouts or identity of these persons.

With your assistance we may bring these investigations to a close and provide some relief to the families and friends of those depicted herein, those whom we seek to serve.

There may be cases which do not yet appear on this website, as they are currently under review. Please continue to visit this website as it will be routinely updated. While the cases of Unidentified Bodies/Remains are of those found throughout the Province of Ontario, the Missing Persons are only those who have been reported to the Ontario Provincial Police.

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The Office of the Chief Coroner is making available to the public through this website images and profiles of Unidentified Bodies/Remains recovered throughout the Province of Ontario to enhance the possibility of successfully identifying any of these persons. The purpose of placing the images and profiles of these Unidentified Persons on the Internet is to expand our reach in finding relatives, friends or others who might have knowledge about these persons that would lead to their identification.

Caution: Some of the images and information contained in this website may be disturbing to some viewers. Given the very sensitive nature of the information depicted within this website, every effort has been made to present it in a way that is not offensive or uncomfortable for the viewer, or disrespectful of the deceased. Images may include retouched facial photographs, photographs of tattoos, distinguishing physical features and/or personal effects found with the remains. The website may also contain images of clay reconstructions, computer enhancements/ reconstructions and composite sketches. These fabricated images may not always resemble the person as they actually appeared during life and should be considered an approximation of the appearance of the Unidentified Person. In consideration for the deceased persons and their relatives, we would ask those accessing this website to not disseminate the images contained herein.