Methanol Handling Matters!: Free “Web-inar” Coming in December
Methanex and NBB have teamed up to offer some web-based teleseminars on methanol handling. The first session focusing on handling and health safety will be Dec. 6, with more following as needed.
Click Here for More Information and to Register

Monsanto Campus Shuttles Now Running on B20 Biodiesel Fuel
Monsanto Company announced today that the three on-campus shuttles that provide employee transportation around the world-headquarters campus are now operating on B20 biodiesel fuel.
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Case IH Promotes Biodiesel Use
Case IH approves B20 blend for most equipment and uses biodiesel blends at the factory.
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Farmer Chairman Reelected During Time of Change for Biodiesel
For a third year, the biodiesel industry has chosen farmer-leader Darryl Brinkmann of Illinois to lead NBB. Other farmers, fuel suppliers were elected to governing board at NBB board meetings to lead industry as it moves forward.
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Study Shows Biodiesel Will Add $24 Billion to Economy
A new economic study shows how biodiesel plants are a boon to the U.S. economy as they sprout up across the nation.
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Economics Fact Sheet

Three More Companies Achieve Biodiesel Accreditation Status
All of the major biodiesel producers in Minnesota are now accredited under BQ-9000, the voluntary biodiesel industry fuel quality control program. BQ-9000 suppliers now represent 40 percent of the U.S. production capacity.
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National Biodiesel Board Issues Winter Weather Advisory
"Ensuring that consumers have a high level of confidence in the biodiesel they purchase is a top priority for the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) and a key element for the industry's continued growth," said Joe Jobe, NBB CEO. "As the industry ramps up to meet the vast increase in demand for biodiesel, this growth simply cannot occur at the expense of fuel quality."
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Visit BQ-9000 website

Governors, Legislatures Pave Way for Greater Use of Biodiesel
Supporting a drive to boost the economy and promote cleaner-burning fuels, several governors have announced state energy initiatives this year that will likely increase biodiesel availability and use. Newly created incentives, grants and tax credits will help biodiesel enhance local economies while reducing pollution.
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View Current Legislation Fact Sheet

Bioheat® Fuel Makes Official Debut Before Cold Season
As the home heating season begins, consumers who use heating oil have an option that is cleaner-burning and domestically produced. Bioheat® heating oil can be used in home heating systems, and is made by blending home heating oil and biodiesel. The National Biodiesel Board and National Oilheat Research Alliance have teamed up to grow awareness of Bioheat fuel by launching the trademarked term and logo.
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New Biodiesel Specification Aimed at Future Diesel Technology
ASTM International has released a new standard for biodiesel that will help ensure that biodiesel blends of up to 20 percent will be compatible with future diesel exhaust emissions technology.
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President Champions Renewable Fuels
President Bush recently said renewable fuels like biodiesel can help America break its dependence on foreign oil. "We've got to change our habits if we want to remain the economic leader of the world."
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Dodge Ram Leads the Way in Promoting Use of Clean, Renewable Biodiesel
There’s a new breed of Dodge Rams tackling the nation’s environmental and energy challenges, and they’re running on biodiesel. At a St. Louis event, Chrysler Group announced that every 2007 Dodge Ram diesel coming off the assembly line at the company’s Fenton, Missouri north plant will be fueled with B5.
Click here for sound bites from the event
Click here for sound bites from the event
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Biodiesel & Distillate Fuel Management Training Seminars Scheduled
To ensure a positive experience with biodiesel and biodiesel blends, consumers need to know the facts relating to both ultra low sulfur diesel and biodiesel. The National Biodiesel Board is sponsoring five free comprehensive workshops which you can participate in from the comfort of your own home or office. Each session will cover the most relevant issues which fuel handlers and users face every day.
Click for more information and to sign up

National AFV Day Odyssey Events To Focus on Alt Fuel and Advanced Technology Vehicle Education
Sixty locations in the U.S. will feature these events, which include educational fairs or conferences, networking meals, information on AFV training opportunities, and AFV ride-and-drive demonstrations for policymakers, students, fleet managers, and the general public. A special Odyssey 2006 kickoff celebration will be held at the Arlington County Courthouse Plaza in Arlington, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C. To find out if there's an event in your area, visit
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New Biodiesel-Approved Offering Hits the Off-road
Arctic Cat has launched its first diesel ATV. Because of the company's favorable test results, it's approved to use a B20 blend of biodiesel.
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Willie Nelson Greets NBB Board Members at Farm Aid
National Biodiesel Board members Bob Metz (l) and Ed Hegland visit with Willie Nelson about the future of agriculture and renewable, homegrown fuels. "Not only has the American family farmer been able to feed the world," Nelson said, "but now they can help power it as well. We're searching the world over for fuel sources while the answer has been growing in our backyard the entire time. Farm Aid started out to save family farmers and now it seems that they are going to end up saving us."

Companies Earn Highest Quality Designation for Biodiesel Fuel
Although new to biodiesel production in the United States, Cargill took measures during construction of its biodiesel plant to meet the industry standard for quality. Likewise, Griffin and World Energy have also achieved BQ-9000 Accredited Producer status in the past week.
Cargill Story
Griffin Story
World Energy Story

Biodiesel's Role in Improving Air Quality is Focus of Lung Association Forum
Leaders of health and environmental organizations came together today with government officials and industry representatives at the first Air Quality and Alternative Transportation Fuel Forum, in the wake of a Renewable Fuel Standard announcement.
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Petroleum Company Takes a Stand for Biodiesel Quality
Sprague Energy, a progressive Northeastern petroleum distributor, has become the first petroleum company in the nation to earn the status of "certified marketer" for selling biodiesel.
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Biodiesel Hotline Makes Finding Biodiesel Easy From the Road
As truckers and other motorists increasingly demand homegrown biodiesel, a new toll-free number will help them find retail availability while on the road. The 866-BIODIESEL Hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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