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Welcome! Ever since Gutenberg invented the printing press, people have argued about the impact of media on society. This section examines some of the current issues in the debate. Visit us often, to link to the latest commentary, research, news and statistics.

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Media Violence

This section describes how the depiction of violence is evolving in a number of media formats. It analyses how, and why, violence is used by the entertainment and information industries, and offers an overview of research findings, an outline of government responses to the issue, and a look at some of the key arguments in the debate.


media stereotypingMedia Stereotyping

This section examines media portrayals of ethnic and visible minorities, Aboriginal people, girls and women, boys and men, gays and lesbians, and whiteness and white privilege.


Online HateOnline Hate

This section explores the ways in which hate-mongers use the Internet to promote their agenda, examines the line between hate speech and free speech, provides an overview of relevant legislation and voluntary industry codes, and suggests ways in which to safeguard children and teens.


Information PrivacyInformation Privacy

This section explains how the Internet and electronic commerce have created challenges for the protection of personal information. It also provides information about Canadian and international guidelines that address the collection, use and storage of personal information.


Media and Canadian Cultural PoliciesMedia and Canadian Cultural Policies

A comprehensive overview of the government and industry initiatives undertaken to protect and promote Canadian culture, and to ensure a domestic, as well as an international, market for Canadian cultural products.




Overview Media Violence Media Stereotyping Online Hate Electronic Privacy Media and Canadian Cultural Policies

Media Issues News

Media ownership hearings in Los Angeles
U.S. - Six hearings are to be held around the county before the FCC makes new media ownership rules, including deciding how many radio stations one company can own in a single market.

Plenary speech by Richard C. Owens, LLP (PDF)
At the 3rd International Symposium on Hate on the Internet, September 11-12, 2006, hosted by B'nai Brith Canada, Richard Owens was one of four speakers to address the growing problem of hate and extremism on the Internet.

Canadian Journal of Education 29, 1(2006)
A special issue on media and education divided into four parts – media representation of children, youth, and schools in mainstream news, critical media education, media production with marginalized youth, and popular culture and children, youth and teachers.

Action Agenda: A Strategic Blueprint for Reducing Exposure to Media Violence in Canada (PDF)
Written by media activist Valerie Smith, this report is a compendium of information on media violence in Canada including: a political history, research, legislation/regulation, Supreme Court of Canada decisions, industry self-regulation/classification, and recommendations for action.

The Influence Of Media Violence On Youth
A study published in Psychological Research in the Public Interest argues that violent television and films, video games, and music increase the likelihood of aggressive and violent behavior in both immediate and long-term contexts.

U.S. Media Ownership Database
Access the Center for Public Integrity's 65,000 record, searchable database containing ownership information on American media companies.

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