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Signature. Picture showing Ministère des Services gouvernementaux' workers.

Accessibility on the Ministère des Services gouvernementaux website

The definition of accessibility adopted by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) is: "To make the Web and its services accessible to all regardless of their hardware or software, network infrastructure, native tongue, culture, geographic location or physical/mental abilities."

Accessibility is an overall concept that applies both to access by persons with disabilities and to access using new technologies (palm pilot, cell phone, etc).

Web accessibility allows persons with disabilities and persons who are unable to use a mouse to access information on the Internet. For example, blind persons using assistive technology (Braille track) and software (speech synthesis) are able to interpret Web page content. It also enables persons with reduced mobility to surf the Internet easily.

This site complies with the XHTML and CSS standards recommended by W3C. This development rule ensures accessibility through voice browsers, screen readers and Braille tracks used by persons with disabilities. An ongoing effort is made to improve or maintain accessibility standards in keeping with the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative).

Keyboard shortcuts

Not all internauts are able to surf using a mouse. Consequently, the ministère des Services gouvernementaux website has been programmed to allow navigation using access keys. This function is supported by Internet Explorer Version 4 and most browsers.

With Windows, you can use ALT + an access key. On a Macintosh, you need to use CTRL + an access key. Refer to the access key table below:

ALT + 0 = Accessibility rules
ALT + 1 = Go directly to the content
ALT + 2 = Return to Home page
ALT + 3 = Access site map
ALT + 4 = Access search module
ALT + 5 = Access Québec government portal
ALT + 6 = Browser Help function
ALT + 7 = Access general department coordinates
ALT + 8 = Access page in English, when available
ALT + 9 = Access page in French

Opening new windows

All links referring, including external links, inside ministère des Services gouvernementaux website open in the same window. Use the contextual menu to open in a new window; a note to this effect appears when the cursor moves onto the links.

Use of real links

If the JavaScript function is deactivated on your Internet browser, all links remain accessible since they operate in the form of a link list.

Converting PDF into HTML

To use the PDF-HTML conversion form supplied by access.adobe.com, type a PDF document's URL on the electronic form and click on the "Obtain an HTML version of this PDF document" button. The PDF document is instantly converted into an HTML document and immediately displayed on your Web browser.

Utility programs

Download software (2.3 MB): This utility displays a virtual keyboard and adds a magnifying glass to your work station.

For advice on using these tools and information on the functions providing access to new technologies, go to the website: www.microsoft.com/enable/.