Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534

Thank you for visiting Bonjour Québec.com. We hope it has helped you to plan your stay or vacation in Québec, or to find out more about tourism in the province. Bonjour Québec.com has applied stringent measures to ensure the security of all data and to safeguard your privacy and the personal information that you give. However, all users are asked to carefully read the sections “Disclaimer” and “Personal Information.”

In using this Web site, users acknowledge that they have read, understood and accepted the conditions and limits of liability described herein.

Bonjour Québec.com is not a legal entity. It is instead a trademark under which Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada jointly operate the Web site www.bonjourquebec.com.

Following are descriptions of the conditions of use and limits of liability regarding:

Information on Tourist Establishments, Products and Services

All reasonable measures, including updates, are carried out to verify the accuracy and the reliability of the information presented in Bonjour Québec.com. However, Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada do not in any way guarantee the content or the quality of the products and services presented in the Web site. Nor are they liable towards any user or third party for errors or omissions of any kind in the contents of the Web site or any components linked to it.

The fact that Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada provide information on the establishments, products and services on this Web site does not mean that they endorse or recommend them.

The prices displayed on this site for the various establishments (e.g., museum admission fees) were obtained from them at the time all of the other information was gathered; these prices do not necessarily reflect the full range of prices charged by these establishments. Prices (given in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated) are provided for information purposes only. For more information on products and services that can be reserved or purchased on-line through this Web site (e.g., reservation of a hotel room), see “Advertised Prices” in the section “On-line Commercial Transactions.”

Under no circumstances can Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada be held liable for damages of any kind whether they be from the use or the performance of Bonjour Québec.com, the use of any information made available or referred to therein, or the use or performance of any other Web site having a link to Bonjour Québec.com.

Users of www.bonjourquebec.com accept its conditions of use and understand that in using the information contained therein, they may not hold Tourisme Québec or Bell Canada liable for any damage or loss they may sustain following their decision to do business with any establishment named therein.

To report any errors that they note on this Web site, users are asked to contact info@bonjourquebec.com .


On-line Commercial Transactions

Bonjour Québec.com requires all persons who carry out commercial transactions on this Web site to be of legal age, or to have the consent of a parent or legal guardian, and to comply with the conditions of use indicated below. As well, users accept full financial responsibility for any commercial transactions they make on the site, including those made by minors under their supervision.

Bonjour Québec.com is not a travel agent, tourism wholesaler or tourism retailer as described in Québec’s Travel Agents Act.

The e-commerce service provided by Bonjour Québec.com is intended solely to help users learn about the services provided by Québec tourism service providers and to make reservations with or purchase products from those service providers.

All transactions carried out on Bonjour Québec.com involve directly and exclusively the tourism service providers presented therein and their customers. Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada are neither the representative, nor the agent nor the representative of those service providers and shall not be involved in any way in any claim or dispute that may arise between service providers and their customers. Furthermore, Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada are in no way liable for any damage, financial loss or information loss that could result from such transactions.

Any user making a reservation through Bonjour Québec.com agrees to comply with the terms and conditions for making, changing and cancelling reservations, as described by the service provider in question at the time of reservation.

Users guarantee that all of the information they provide to Bonjour Québec.com or the service providers presented therein is true and exact. Fraudulent reservations of any kind are strictly prohibited. Users also understand that any abuse or excessive use of the services offered by Bonjour Québec.com could cause them to be refused future access.

Even though Bonjour Québec.com offers no guarantees concerning the tourism products and services available from the service providers presented therein, it wishes to protect all users who buy such products and services. Thus, all service providers wishing to offer their products and services through Bonjour Québec.com must agree to honour all transactions as announced and sold via the Web site. Any failure to meet this commitment as reported to Bonjour Québec.com in the form of a written complaint may lead to a review of the complaint by a tourism ethics committee created by the Québec tourism minister. Through its subsequent investigation of the complaint, the committee may recommend that Bonjour Québec.com exclude or suspend the service provider in question from its Web site.

Any user who believes he has received mistreatment in the course of carrying out a commercial transaction with a service provider through Bonjour Québec.com may address a complaint to info@bonjourquebec.com . In no way does this provision make Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada liable concerning such a complaint. The customer service department of Bonjour Québec.com will, however, follow up on the complaint with the service provider involved and, if necessary, will submit the complaint to the tourism ethics committee.


Advertised Prices

The price paid for each product or service reserved or bought on-line is the price that appears for that product or service.

On-line reservations of tourist products and services are subject to applicable Québec and Canada taxes, which are included in the total price. Goods purchased for home delivery are subject to any applicable taxes transport and delivery charges; these are to be paid over and above the advertised price.

Unless otherwise specified, the prices listed in Bonjour Québec.com are in Canadian dollars. Any prices or reservation costs given in another currency are calculated on the basis of the exchange rate at the moment they are advertised. These amounts are thus approximate; their real price will vary according to the exchange rate on the day of payment and the conversion rate applied by the service provider in question.

Changing or Cancelling a Reservation

All users who reserve a product or service via Bonjour Québec.com and wish subsequently to change or cancel their reservation acknowledge that they have entered into a commercial relationship with the service provider in question, and not with Bonjour Québec.com. Users must therefore comply with the conditions for changing or cancelling reservations, as specified by the provider at the time the reservation was made.


Bonjour Québec.com has implemented strict, fully recognized security measures to safeguard the personal information provided by users. See “Personal Information” for more information on these security measures.

All credit card information provided by users is sent in encrypted form to the service providers in question, and is accessible only by these service providers. Furthermore, service providers keep this information in encrypted form only for the time necessary to conclude the transaction to the satisfaction of both parties.

Users who do not wish to make transactions via the Internet may telephone Tourisme Québec’s call centre at 1-877-BONJOUR (1-877-266-5687), toll-free from anywhere in North America.

Links to Other Web Sites

Bonjour Québec.com offers its users links to other Web sites created by other persons or organizations. Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada do not manage those Web sites or control their content. Neither do they in any way endorse, approve or guarantee the content of those Web sites. Finally, in no way are Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada liable for the content and the activities of those Web sites.

Users and organizations may create a link between their own Web sites and Bonjour Québec.com. However, Bonjour Québec.com requires notification (to be sent to info@bonjourquebec.com ) that such a link is being made. Unless specified to the contrary by an agreement, in no way does any link mean that Bonjour Québec.com and/or Bell Canada are associated with the Web site in question, nor does it mean that they approve or endorse the contents of that Web site. Bonjour Québec.com also reserves the right to require at any moment the removal of a link with any other Web site.

Users wishing to create a link from Bonjour Québec.com to their own Web site must send their request for a link to info@bonjourquebec.com .


Other User Conditions

Under no circumstances, excluding gross negligence, are Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada liable for any loss or damage related directly or indirectly to the following: delays or waiting times involved in the use of this Web site; the reliability of the information available therein; any user’s inability to use the Web site; any computer virus that may infect the computer of a user who accesses the Web site.

The user agrees to hold that Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada are insured and protected against all damages, costs and expenses, including lawyers’ fees, related to any violation of these conditions by himself or by any other person acting on his behalf in using this Web site or transmitting or distributing any information or other elements contained therein.

Bonjour Québec.com is intended for users wishing to contact Québec tourist product and service providers and to make legitimate tourist reservations and transactions. Any illegal use, direct or indirect, of services offered by Bonjour Québec.com is strictly prohibited.

Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada do not guarantee in any way the uninterrupted functioning of services or access thereto. Nor do they offer any guarantee of any kind, explicit or implicit, regarding services, including but not limited in number or scope, all guarantees regarding the transmission capacity of any service provider’s network and telecommunications company, or the reliability of the equipment of any service provider’s network and telecommunications company, or the accuracy or pertinence of the information made available by these services and equipment. Tourisme Québec and Bell Canada are not liable for any damage resulting from the use of these services and equipment, or for any errors, omissions, interruptions, delays or defects related to these services and equipment or the data made available by these services and equipment.

Accessing or attempting to access protected fields reserved for the personnel of Bonjour Québec.com or its accredited users is strictly prohibited. Any access violation or attempted access violation of a field protected by a restricted password will be subject to immediate legal prosecution.

If any condition described here is declared invalid by a court of law, the parties agree that the court shall give effect to the intentions of the parties that follow from the condition declared invalid and that all other conditions shall remain valid and applicable.

Bonjour Québec.com reserves the right at all times, and at its sole discretion, to modify the general conditions for the use of its Web site as set out in this agreement. Users have the responsibility to be aware of all modifications, without prior notice from Bonjour Québec.com.

Bonjour Québec.com is published in Québec, Canada. This agreement is governed by the laws of the province of Québec as well as by all Canadian laws applicable in Québec, and is subject to interpretation in accordance with those laws.

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