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How to change your address > Also remember to notify...

Also remember to notify...

When you move, you must give your new address to the public utilities and other organizations and professionals you deal with. Here is a list that can help you identify and, in some cases, reach those you should contact.

Main public utilities

Energy suppliers

Telephone companies

To contact other companies offering services in the regions of Québec, consult the site of the Association des compagnies de téléphone du Québec (ACTQ).

Cable television and Internet access

Other organizations and persons you should notify

  • Subscriptions (newspapers, magazines, etc.)
  • Professional associations of which you are a member
  • Insurance (car, home, life)
  • School board - school taxes (french only)
  • Dentist
  • Employer
  • Educational institutions - schools, cégeps, universities (french only)
  • Banks (RRSPs, bank account, savings)
  • Doctor
  • Union
  • Credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, etc.)
  • Store cards (Sears, The Bay, etc.)
How to change your address
Search this guide
Guide to the steps for changing your address with the government
Also remember to notify...
A few tips
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change address by telephone
Last Update: 2005-01-05