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Développement économique, Innovation et Exportation

The mission of the ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation is to support economic and regional development, as well as research, particularly by encouraging coordinated and concerted action among the various players in the economic, scientific, social and cultural areas in order to promote job creation, economic prosperity, scientific development and sustainable development, and enable local and regional communities to take responsibility for their own economic and regional development in partnership with the State.

Keywords: Développement régional, développement du territoire, industrie, PME, investissement, placement, recherche scientifique, recherche technologique, technologie, innovation technologique, MDEIE, MDERR, MFER, MDER, MR, MRST, région, science, import, export

Last update :2006-12-19 - 14 h 27