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Volunteering in Québec

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Hommage bénévolat-Québec award, Registration deadline: January 22, 2007.


Hommage bénévolat-Québec awards   [Pictogram] Arrow pointing downwards

Hommage bénévolat-Québec award

Hommage bénévolat-Québec is an award given by the Québec government to underline the exceptional commitment and valuable contribution of volunteers and organizations in every region of Québec. It is intended to reward the efforts of citizens in their community and the actions taken by community organizations to foster and develop volunteerism. The Secrétariat à l’action communautaire autonome et aux initiatives sociales coordinates the award.

Award recipients

The volunteers who receive the award are people who, of their own accord, commit their time, energy and skills to an organization or the people of their community in order to achieve collective or personal goals.

Their commitment is voluntary and selfless, i.e. without direct or indirect compensation.

Their voluntary participation takes the form of a moral commitment that may be periodic or repeated, temporary or recurring.


The “Young volunteer—Claude-Masson award” category pays tribute to 15 people aged 14 to 30 who are already highly active volunteers in their community. This year, as a tribute to Claude Masson, a 16th award will be presented to highlight the important contribution of young people in the field of communications. The “Volunteer in action” category rewards 17 people who have mobilized their community through sustained effort. Finally, the “Organization in action” category recognizes the innovative ability of 15 community organizations to put in place strategies to structure, support and promote volunteerism.

Awards gala

Winners of the Hommage bénévolat-Québec awards are selected by an independent jury. They will receive a magnificent sculpture entitled Tara, created specifically for the occasion by Serge Roy and Gregory Schlybeurt, two Québec artisans of the Cercle de créativité Terra de Laval and symbolizing the generosity and humanism at the heart of volunteer action.

The awards gala will be held in the spring of 2007. Awards will be presented by Michelle Courchesne, Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity, who is responsible for community action and volunteerism. Each of the winners will also receive certificate signed by the Premier and the Minister.

Travel and accommodations for the trip to Québec City are paid by the Québec government.


Candidates may be nominated by an individual or a public or private organization.

Nominees not selected by the jury in previous years may also be renominated, provided that new nomination documents are filed.


A province-wide jury will be mandated to evaluate the nominations and select the award winners. The jury will consist of the following eight representatives:

  • two representatives of the Fédération des centres d’action bénévole du Québec;
  • two representatives of the Réseau de l’action bénévole du Québec;
  • two representatives of the Québec government;
  • two volunteers, representing the family of the late Claude Masson.

Nomination forms

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