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You are here: Home > Contact Us > What do you think of our site?
Your answers to this brief questionnaire will help us to improve our website.
Let us know what you think!

What do You Think of Our Site?

Generally speaking, are you satisfied with our site?
totally satisfied
quite satisfied
not very satisfied
not at all satisfied
Did you find what you were looking for quickly?
Did you use the search function?
Is navigation within our site easy?
very easy
fairly easy
not very easy
not easy at all
Is the content of our site easy to understand?
very easy
fairly easy
not very easy
not easy at all
Is the information you found helpful?
very helpful
fairly helpful
not very helpful
not helpful at all
How many times have you visited our site in the past month?
this is my first visit
2 to 5 times
5 to 10 times
more than 10 times
How did you find out about our site?
the Québec government portal (www.gouv.qc.ca)
a search engine
a publication
other (specify):
What do you like best about our site and how could we improve it?
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