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The child assistance payment

Universal government assistance for families

The child assistance payment is a form of financial assistance paid to all Québec families with one or more dependent children under the age of 18.

The amount varies from one family to another

The amount of the child assistance payment varies from one family to another. It is determined on the basis of the following factors:

  • the net family income (this refers to the combined total of both spouses' income, as shown on line 275 of their Québec income tax returns for 2005)
  • the number of dependent children under the age of 18
  • the type of family (single-parent or two-parent)


Note that...

  • The child assistance payment is not taxable
  • The payment amount is recalculated on 1 July of every year
  • Since the calculation of the family assistance payment takes into account the total family income reported to Revenu Québec, an income tax declaration must be filed each year

Do you want to know more?

Québec Children: The Most Popular Given Names.
To calculate Child Assistance and Work Premium.
Did you know that?
You can use Calcul@ide or consult the table to find out the amount that you could receive based on your situation.

Beginning in January 2007, parents must notify the Régie des rentes du Québec of any change in their family situation, except for new births.