Home > Programs > Child assistance measure > If your are dissatisfied

If you are dissatisfied...

To obtain more information about a decision rendered by the Régie: call us!

A bit of additional information often makes all the difference and may clear up any questions you have about a decision or the benefits you are receiving. Do not hesitate to call!

If you would like to contest a decision rendered by the Régie

If you do not agree with a decision rendered by the Régie concerning child assistance, you can apply for a review. By law, you have 90 days from the date the Régie informed you of the decision to apply for a review.

To apply for review, you must fill out the Application for Review form. If you prefer, you can simply write to us, explaining the reasons in support of your application. Be sure to provide any supporting documents. Send the documents to the following address, making sure to indicate the social insurance number or client number shown on the decision you are contesting.

Service de la révision
Régie des rentes du Québec
Bureau 650
Case postale 5200
Québec (Québec)  G1K 7S9

If the Régie has not rendered a decision within 90 days after receiving your application for review (or 180 days if the Régie had to ask for additional information), you can lodge an appeal with the Administrative Tribunal of Québec (TAQ) without waiting for the Régie's review decision.

Once you have received the Régie's review decision...

If you do not agree with the new decision, you have 60 days to lodge an appeal with the Administrative Tribunal of Québec (TAQ), whose decisions are final and without appeal. You can obtain the form for this purpose by calling the Tribunal, or you can simply write to the Tribunal.

TAQ Montréal
Administrative Tribunal of Québec
500, boulevard René-Levesque Ouest, 21e étage
Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1W7
Telephone: 514 873-7154
Toll-free: 1 800 567-0278
TAQ Québec
Administrative Tribunal of Québec
575, rue Saint-Amable, rez-de-chaussée
Édifice Lomer-Gouin
Québec (Québec) G1R 5R4
Telephone: 418 643-3418
Toll-free: 1 800 567-0278


If you are dissatisfied with our service

If you have exhausted all legal recourses or if you would like to make a comment

If you are dissatisfied or would simply like to make a comment, contact the Régie's Services Commissioner.

Did you know that?
The Régie and its employees are committed to making your rights easy to obtain and keeping your contacts with the Régie simple.