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Help with Navigation

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This non-exhaustive list briefly summarizes the minimum technological requirements for this site.

Browsers :
To fully benefit from the Santé Services Sociaux site, we recommend that you download the latest version of one of the main browsers (Internet Explorer version 5.5 and higher or Netscape version 7 and higher).

Minimum Resolution Required :
800x600 | 65536 colours (16 bits)

Shortcut Keys :
Keyboard equivalents for your browser’s “Previous” and “Next” functions (Netscape and Internet Explorer, Mac/PC).

PC :
Option key +
Arrow keys (left or right)

Mac :
Control key +
Command (or Apple) key +
Arrow keys (left or right)

Increasing or decreasing text size

To allow browsers to change text size, relative font sizes have been used on this site. You can therefore increase or decrease the site's text size. To do so, you have two options:

  • Using your browser's menu bar
    Select View from the menu and then choose Text Size . Select the size you want from the dropdown menu.
  • Using keyboard shortcuts
    If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel and are using Internet Explorer or Firefox , hold down the Ctrl key while scrolling the mouse wheel up or down.
    If you are using Firefox or another browser other than IE , use Ctrl ++ or Ctrl -- to increase or decrease text size. You can also use Ctrl 0 to restore the default text size .

Beware! These modifications apply to the browser and not the site. If you decide to visit another site after this one, you can change the font size again by following the same steps.

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