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Service Statement

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The mission of the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux is to maintain and enhance the health and welfare of Québeckers, by making integrated and quality health services and social services accessible to them, with a view to contributing to the social and economic development of Québec.

We share this mission with the agencies and institutions of the health and social services network. The latter provide the public with the health care and social services that they need.

Among other responsibilities, the Ministère oversees the development of directions and policies that have an impact on the delivery of services intended for the public; we are committed to pursuing the objectives related to the quality and accessibility of these services for all citizens as soon as they are established.

Services that we provide directly to the public

Some services are provided directly to the public by the Ministère. It is precisely these services, and not all the health care and social services, which are the subject of the present Service Statement, that is :

  • general information on health services and social services;
  • information, assistance and advice intended for individuals and families who plan to adopt a child domiciled outside Québec;
  • the search for sociobiological history in the cases of adoption outside Québec;
  • information related to the Tobacco Act and the inspections linked to its application.

Our commitments regarding the quality of services

Accessible services

When you telephone us:

When you write to us, whether by regular mail, electronic mail or fax:

  • we will answer you or we will send you, within ten business days following the receipt of your letter, an acknowledgement specifying the time frame within which we will respond to your request.

For reasons of protection of personal information, our answer by email or by fax may refer to a letter that will follow by regular mail.

When you go to the Secretariat of International Adoption:

  • our office is open from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.;
  • we will immediately inform the person with whom you have an appointment that you have arrived;
  • if you have not made an appointment, we will direct you to a staff member who will do his or her best to help you.

Courteous and respectful personnel

In all circumstances:

  • our personnel will be polite and respectful;
  • our personnel will introduce themselves clearly;
  • our personnel will be attentive and open to the needs that you express.

Professional processing of your request

Our personnel have the necessary skills and knowledge to assist you and provide you with the clearest and most accurate information on the subject that concerns you.

We will give you clear explanations of the processes to be followed to obtain a service or a document.

We will provide you with information or the requested service as soon as possible.

We will ensure that the processes that you follow and the information concerning you are kept confidential, in accordance with the laws in force.

If applicable, we will refer you to a person or an agency that can better respond to your request.

If you are dissatisfied with the services referred to in this Statement

You may be dissatisfied with the service obtained despite all our efforts to honor the commitments made in this Statement. In this case, if you wish, you can contact the person designated by the Ministère to process complaints to inform him or her of your dissatisfaction. The latter receives complaints and comments regarding the commitments contained in this Statement and examines them thoroughly and independently. Your complaint will be processed in strict confidentiality.

You can communicate with the person responsible for complaints in whichever way that is most convenient for you.

By mail:

Responsable du traitement des plaintes
Bureau du sous-ministre
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
1075, chemin Sainte-Foy, 14e étage
Québec (Québec) G1S 2M1

By telephone: (418) 266-8989 tol free: 1 800 707-3380

By fax: (418) 266-8990

By electronic mail: plainte@msss.gouv.qc.ca

Time limit of complaint processing

Your complaint will be processed within twenty business days or less, from the day it was received. If we cannot send you a full and final answer within this time limit, we will inform you of the date that it will be sent to you.

To contact us

For general information:

Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
1075, chemin Sainte-Foy, 16 e étage
Québec (Québec) G1S 2M1
Telephone: (418) 266-8900
Toll-free: 1 800 707-3380
Fax: (418) 644-4574

For information concerning the adoption of children domiciled outside Quebec or the search for sociobiological history for the cases of adoption outside Quebec:

Secrétariat à l'adoption internationale
201, boulevard Crémazie Est, bureau 1.01
Montréal (Québec) H2M 1L2
Telephone: (514) 873-5226
Toll-free: 1 800 561-0246
Fax: (514) 873-1709

For information related to the Tobacco Act and inspections linked to its application:

Service de lutte contre le tabagisme
1000, route de l'Église, bureau 310
Sainte-Foy (Québec) G1V 3V9
Telephone: (418) 646-9334
Toll free: 1 877 416-TABA (8222)
Fax: (418) 644-5885

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