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People with disabilities

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The Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux does not offer services directly to people with disabilities and their families. However, it does ensure that these services are available and accessible via the health and social services network, within which various providers offer appropriate services to people with disabilities.

To reduce the frequency with which people with disabilities of all kinds encounter situations that handicap them, the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux has the mandate to:

  • establish and coordinate national health and welfare objectives;
  • establish policies and programs intended for people with disabilities, ensure they are implemented and applied by the development agencies, and evaluate them;
  • approve the priorities submitted by the development agencies;
  • distribute resources among regions equitably, in order to implement programs of services intended for people with disabilities, and oversee the use of these resources;
  • provide interregional coordination of the services intended for people with disabilities, above all to promote their accessibility.

To fulfill its mandate, the Ministère de lAa Santé et des Services sociaux monitors the application of its policies, ensures the quality and effectiveness of the services offered to people with disabilities in each region and coordinates the various programs of services it administers.

Within the MSSS site, you will find other information pertinent to people with disabilities (in French only):

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