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Suicide is a serious problem in Québec, as it is in the rest of the world. In Québec, the suicide rate has continued to climb over the last few decades. The ever-increasing numbers of suicides and the huge suffering associated with this problem inspire commitment and a willingness to act.

To stabilize and eventually reduce the suicide rate in Québec, the MSSS has undertaken several initiatives since 1998 with the implementation of Québec's Strategy for Preventing Suicide. Soon, it will be possible to consult a report evaluating the implementation of Québec's Strategy for Preventing Suicide.

The Plan d'action en santé mentale 2005-2010: La force des liens, launched in June 2005, had a section about suicide problems and comes to reiterate the importance of some of the initiatives of the Québec's Strategy for Preventing Suicide.

In most regions of Québec, suicide prevention help is available at all times by calling the following toll-free number: 1-866-APPELLE (277-3553). The MSSS has also published a brochure entitled Help for Life, which presents basic information about suicide, observable warning signs and how to provide support to suicidal individuals.

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