Looking for and finding a job
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Looking for and finding a job

Looking for a job requires perseverance and flexibility. In particular, you will have to adapt to the realities and values of the Québec job market.

It is also possible that you may be overqualified for your first job or that the job will not be related to your occupational skills. Based on your situation, you could fill this position for the time it takes to begin or continue training, or perhaps it will help you meet your needs while you look for a better job. Nonetheless, this kind of job will help you become familiar with the Québec job market and acquire Québec experience.

Steps for finding a job

The guide Learning about Québec will help you in your job search efforts and provide you with a complete description of the steps you will need to take. It is a key tool to your job market integration. The section Work and job search proposes steps you can take to assess your professional situation in relation to the Québec job market. This will allow you to assess the degree to which your training and job experience match the job opportunities in Québec. In addition, this process will allow you to set realistic job objectives that will help ease your entry into the job market.

Here are the key steps you need to take to find a job:

Prepare your employment file
Write your curriculum vitae (CV)
Have your studies completed outside Québec evaluated
… if necessary
Create your network of contacts
Acquire or perfect your knowledge of French
Use public employment services
Consult job offer sites
Learn English, in addition to French, if it is a job requirement

To learn more

Learning about Québec: Guide for my successful integration


Useful links

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Last modification : 2006-08-14
Portail du gouvernement du Québec