List of occupations in demand in Québec for 2006
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List of occupations in demand in Québec for 2006

This list applies only if you have filed your application before October 16, 2006 (effective date of the new selection grid)

The list of occupations in demand in Québec includes occupations and specializations that offer good opportunities for job entry in the medium term.

This list came into effect on October 15, 2006.

NOC Codes
Skill Level A (Professional)

Mathematicians, Statisticians and Actuaries

  • Statisticians2
Skill Level B (Technical Education)
Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians3
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Technologists and Technicians3
Drafting Technologists and Technicians3
Butchers and Meat Cutters—Retail and Wholesale4
Machinists and Machining and Tooling Inspectors5
Tool and Die Makers5


NOC: National Occupational Classification

1. Undergraduate university degree attesting to three years of full-time studies
2. Undergraduate university degree attesting to four years of full-time studies
3. Post-secondary school diploma attesting to three years of full-time studies
4. Professional high school diploma
5. Post-secondary school diploma attesting to one year of full-time studies

* The occupations listed correspond to the basic groups defined in the NOC 2001, which is published by Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC). Information concerning the nature of the work in question, the principal duties involved, entry requirements, and other matters pertaining to the evaluation of Skilled Worker applicants is available through Emploi-Québec’s LMI (Labour Market Information) Web site and HRSDC’s NOC 2001 Web site.

This list is authorized by the minister responsible for the Act respecting Immigration to Québec for the purpose of applying the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals (R.R.Q., c. 1-0.2, r. 5).


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Last modification : 2006-11-14
Portail du gouvernement du Québec