Taking steps to integrate successfully into Québec
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Taking steps to integrate successfully into Québec

Learning French

French is the official language of Québec. You will need it to buy groceries, to look for and hold a job, to speak with your children’s teacher and to make new friends.

If you do not speak French, you can register for free French courses shortly after arriving in Québec.

Enrolling in school

School attendance is compulsory for all children 6 to 16 years of age. With the exception of university studies, public education is free of charge in Québec. Since French is the official language of Québec, your children will attend a French- speaking school.

Job search

If you already have sufficient command of French, or as soon as you are able to express yourself in French, you will have access to support services for job integration. These services will help you take stock of your professional situation and prepare yourself for the Québec job market.

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Adult education or continuing education

Even as an adult, you may choose to go back to school, whether to improve your chances of finding a job or out of personal interest. A wide range of both full- and part-time adult education programs is offered in the day or evening. A nominal fee is sometimes charged. Assistance is available to help you choose the program that meets your needs.


While getting settled, you will be supported by a community organization. But you can also refer to the guide Learning about Québec. This tool provides useful information that will guide you through the integration process. It is available in French, English and Spanish.  

To learn more

French language (Learning French in Québec)
Directory of services offered by community partners
Learning about Québec: Guide for my successful integration


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Last modification : 2006-08-29
Portail du gouvernement du Québec