Annuaire québécois des statistiques du travail

Portrait historique des conditions et de la dynamique du travail
 Volume 1, numéro 2

ligne bleu ISQ

The Annuaire québécois des statistiques du travail (Québec directory of labour statistics), a bi-annual publication, gives a detailed portrait of the labour market and of work conditions and dynamics in Québec. The first volume presents a historical analysis of these elements. The ensuing volumes will be devoted to updating indicators once a year and will include, on occasion, new analytical elements.

While the first issue of this volume was on labour market indicators, this publication looks into work conditions and dynamics. Among the topics dealt with are remuneration, hours of work, manpower movements, work stoppages, and health and work safety. Depending on the subject, various breakdowns are made, especially with regard to the characteristics of persons, employment and employers.

The Annuaire québécois des statistiques du travail is a major publication by the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ). Through analyses and a systematic follow-up, it aims at meeting the needs of those seeking up-to-date information on the labour market situation and trends and on work conditions and dynamics by providing, twice a year, detailed and relevant information on this field.


  • ISSN : 1712-3267 (printed version)
  • ISSN : 1715-6343 (online)
  • Frequency : biannual
  • Number of pages : 310
  • Price : $21.95 plus taxes if applicable
  • Release date : 2005-11-08
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