Application to hire a permanent foreign worker
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Applying to hire a permanent foreign worker

The following procedure applies to the hiring of a permanent foreign worker:

  1. If you think you meet the requirements to hire a permanent foreign worker (Validated job offer factor), forward a letter of intent to the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (MICC). This letter, written on your company’s letterhead, must specify the title of the job being offered, the name and date of birth of the candidate and the name and contact information of the person responsible for hiring within your company.


If you are located in Montréal: send this document to the Direction de la sélection des travailleurs – Validation des offres d’emploi.
If you are located elsewhere in Québec: send this document to the Immigration-Québec office serving your region.

  1. You will receive the necessary forms for the assessment of your validated employment offer. Next, send to the MICC:
    - the duly completed form Validation of the permanent employment offer
    - the duly completed section Additional information
    - legal proof of your company’s registration
    - a copy of your most recent financial statements, signed by an accountant
    - the job description of the foreign worker you wish to hire
    - proof of your recruitment efforts
    - payment of the fees levied to review a validated employment offer.


If you are located in Montréal: send this document to the Direction de la sélection des travailleurs – Validation des offres d’emploi.
If you are located elsewhere in Québec: send this document to the Immigration-Québec office serving your region.


Be sure to submit all of the required documents in order to avoid delays in the processing of your application.  



  1. After reviewing your file, and depending on the eligibility of your application, an MICC officer will contact you to arrange a meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to establish a plan of action to prove workforce scarcity in the field relating to the job being offered. The MICC will then send you its response to your application by mail.


Next steps for the worker abroad

  • If your offer of employment is approved, a copy of the validation letter will be sent to the Immigration-Québec office overseas serving the foreign worker’s territory. This office will send the foreign worker the information he or she needs to apply for a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec Selection Certificate). The foreign worker will be assessed based on selection criteria directly related to his or her person and qualifications.
  • If the foreign worker receives a CSQ, he or she must then submit an application for permanent residence to the Canadian Embassy serving his or her country. Fees are charged by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) at this step.
  • The foreign worker will be required to undergo a medical examination in order to obtain permanent residence. If required, this medical examination will be conducted by a physician designated by CIC and a fee will be charged to the foreign worker.


To learn more

Permanent workers – Submitting an official immigration application



INFORMATION: If you are located in Montréal, contact the Direction de la sélection des travailleurs – Validation des offres d’emploi. If you are located elsewhere in Québec, contact the Immigration-Québec office serving your region.


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