Holder of a research chair
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Holder of a research chair

The following specific procedure applies to the hiring of a university professor who is the holder of a research chair. This fast-track procedure is part of the Canada Research Chairs Program, established to facilitate the hiring of this category of foreign workers.

Make sure that your employment offer corresponds to a research chair admissible under the Canada Research Chairs Program. If this is not the case, follow the general procedure for hiring a temporary worker.


  1. Make sure you obtain the form Application for a Québec Acceptance Certificate for Temporary Work duly completed by the foreign worker. It is important that the worker you are recruiting sign the last section of the form entitled Optional authorization to employer, granting you the power to represent him or her in dealings with the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (MICC).

  1. Send the form to the MICC, accompanied by:

    - a copy of your employment offer, indicating duration, job title and salary, as well as a job description
    - the recruited worker's curriculum vitæ, specifying the duration of each of his or her previous jobs
    - payment of the fees levied to review the offer of temporary employment
    - other supporting documents required to process the application for a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ – Québec Acceptance Certificate)
    - payment of the fees levied to review the CAQ application.


If you are located in Montréal : send these documents to the Direction de la sélection des travailleurs – Validation des offres d’emploi.
If you are located elsewhere in Québec : send these documents to the Immigration-Québec office serving your region.


Be sure to submit all of the required documents in order to avoid delays in the processing of your application.  


  1. Once your file has been reviewed, the HRSDC and the MICC will inform you of their joint decision in writing. If your application is accepted, two copies of the CAQ (one for the foreign worker and the other for Citizenship and Immigration Canada - CIC) will be attached to the validation letter confirming your offer of employment. To ensure that the foreign worker has all the necessary documents to apply for a work permit, you must send him or her:

    - a copy of the validation letter
    - both copies of the CAQ (the foreign worker’s copy and the copy to be sent to CIC).

Next steps for the worker abroad


INFORMATION : If you are located in Montréal, contact the Direction de la sélection des travailleurs – Validation des offres d’emploi. If you are located elsewhere in Québec, contact the Immigration-Québec office serving your region.



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Last modification : 2006-12-05
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