Prepare a curriculum vitæ (CV)
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Prepare a curriculum vitæ (CV)

The first thing a Québec employer will want to determine is your degree of knowledge and skill. A curriculum vitae (CV) is the document used in Québec to offer services to a prospective employer.

If you already have a CV, you will probably need to adapt it so that it can be understood by individuals who generally are not familiar with the institutions or companies where you acquired your skills.

Québec-style CV

Your curriculum vitae should provide a good summary of your job history. While an original presentation is an asset, a CV should not exceed two pages. In Québec, the description of jobs starts by the most recent.

A cover letter with the CV should highlight the elements likely to interest a potential employer. Note that handwritten letters are not customary in Québec.

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Last modification : 2006-08-03
Portail du gouvernement du Québec