Prepare your employment file
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Prepare your employment file

To enter the job market, it is essential that you prepare an employment file of your work experience and skills. It is also important to demonstrate your initiative and organizational abilities, as well as your ability to work in a team. This requires putting together a comprehensive file of documents confirming your experience and qualifications.

This file must contain:

  • a curriculum vitæ presenting your skills and accomplishments
  • original or certified copies of:
    - your diplomas, course transcripts, proof of studies and other educational certificates
    - your certificates of continuing education, training internship or upgrading
    - a description of the duration of the courses and internships you have completed
    - permits to practise your profession or trade and certificates of occupational qualification
    - proof of employment and work experience, job descriptions and letters of recommendation from previous employers
  • a Comparative Evaluation for Studies Done Outside Québec, if needed.
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Last modification : 2006-08-03
Portail du gouvernement du Québec