Meeting with an integration officer
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Meeting with an integration officer

An initial meeting with a Department integration officer will help you avoid unnecessary steps and facilitate access to government services.

Your first meeting with an integration officer is an opportunity to:

  • register your arrival by means of your visa, passport and Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec Selection Certificate)
  • confirm or update the information in your file (name, date of birth, etc.)
  • find out about:
    • steps for obtaining various documents, such as the health insurance card, driver’s license, social insurance number, etc.
    • housing possibilities
    • formalities for registering in an educational institution
  • evaluate the kind of support you and your family might need
  • evaluate your knowledge of French
  • enrol in:
    • a French course adapted to your needs and your schedule
    • an information session on the first steps for getting settled in Québec
    • a socio-occupational information session for French-speaking immigrants, if you already speak French.


The integration office can also direct you to other integration assistance services provided by the Department or its partners.

Make an appointment

If you stopped in at the Immigration-Québec office at Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, the Department representative will have set up an appointment for you with an integration officer.

If this is not the case, contact the Immigration-Québec office serving your region of destination in Québec to make an appointment!


Services offered by the Department and its partners

Throughout Québec:

  • interview or information session on the first steps for getting settled
  • information, advice and references for job searching, studies and vocational training
  • information session on the socioeconomic realities and the job market for French-speaking immigrants
  • comparative evaluation for studies done outside Québec
  • full-time or part-time French courses offered in different milieus
  • information service on regulated professions and trades

To learn more

French language
Directory of services offered by community organizations
Evaluation of studies done outside Québec
Information service on regulated professions and trades
Where to settle?
Learning about Québec: Guide for my successful integration


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Last modification : 2006-09-15
Portail du gouvernement du Québec