Official site of the Government of Québec
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Group of two to five persons

Each person in the group must:

  • reside in the Québec community or region stipulated for the establishment of the sponsored person
  • be at least 18 years of age and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • not be subject to a removal order pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
  • not be detained in custody
  • have complied, if applicable, with the conditions of a previous sponsoring undertaking or, failing that, have reimbursed the amounts due
  • show that he or she has sufficient income to fulfill his or her undertaking, according to the established scales
  • have complied, over the last five years, with obligations arising from a judgment ordering the payment of alimony or, failing that, have repaid all outstanding amounts
  • not be subject to a procedure to cancel his or her citizenship
  • not have been convicted in Canada or abroad of a murder or an infraction listed in Schedule I or II of the federal Corrections and Conditional Release Act.

Note: The members of the group must commit themselves to being jointly and severally responsible. Each member of the group is responsible for the share of the other members of the group who fail to fulfill their undertaking.

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Non-profit organization

The non-profit organization must:

  • be incorporated under one of the following acts: Part III of the Companies Act, Religious Corporations Act, Roman Catholic Bishops Act, Act respecting fabriques, Professional Syndicates Act, or constitute a non-profit corporation under a law of Canada or of any other province in Canada
  • engage in activities in Québec and be properly registered there
  • have representatives in the region stipulated for the establishment of the sponsored person
  • submit a copy of its charter or other constitutive document
  • not be a political party
  • have complied, if applicable, with the conditions of a previous sponsoring undertaking or, failing that, have reimbursed the amounts due
  • show that it has available sufficient funds to fulfill its undertaking, according to the established scales.

Group composed of a Québec resident and a non-profit organization (mixed representation)

You may undertake a sponsorship if you are a group consisting of a Québec resident and a non-profit organization and if:

From a financial standpoint, the groups (non-profit organization or Québec resident) must demonstrate that they have and will continue to have, during the term of the undertaking, the minimum necessary annual income to provide for the essential needs of the sponsored person and of their accompanying family, as well as family members listed as non-accompanying, according to the established scales. Proof must be provided either by the Québec resident, the corporate body or both.

Organizations that sign an umbrella agreement

An organization that has already undertaken collective sponsorships, that plans to undertake several other sponsorships per year and that shows that it is able to do so, may enter into an umbrella agreement, usually valid for a period of two years.

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Last modification : 2006-10-15
Portail du gouvernement du Québec