Taking steps to integrate successfully into Québec
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Taking steps to integrate successfully into Québec

As soon as your status as a refugee or humanitarian-protected person is recognized, you have access to services geared to ease your integration. These services are offered by the Department, its institutional partners or community organizations:

Information sessions for new immigrants
French courses for non-French-speakers
Services offered by community organizations
Information services on regulated professions and trades

As soon as you receive your CSQ, you will have access to a wider range of government services.

  • Health insurance covered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec
  • Access to post-secondary studies (with no surcharge) and financial assistance program for students
  • Child support program
  • Emploi-Québec employability measures.


  • You can meet with a Department officer for details regarding all of these services, to register for the information sessions and for referral to the appropriate resources.
  • Use the tool Learning about Québec: Guide for my successful integration to help you assess your needs, set realistic goals and choose effective strategies. This comprehensive tool provides useful information that will guide you through the different steps in your integration process, including your job search. It is available in French, English and Spanish.



INFORMATION : Contact the Immigration-Québec office serving your region.



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Last modification : 2006-08-29
Portail du gouvernement du Québec