Live-in caregiver ? Extension or renewal
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Live-in caregiver – Extension or renewal

The feminine form is used for convenience and designates both men and women.

Your work contract was extended or renewed? You must obtain a new Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ - Québec Acceptance Certificate) at least two months before it expires. Once you receive your new CAQ, you must also obtain a new work permit as soon as possible.

This is the specific procedure for live-in caregivers who must obtain a new CAQ and a new work permit:


  1. To renew your CAQ, send the following documents to the Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (MICC):
    - a letter from your employer confirming his or her intention to extend your work contract for a specific period
    - the Application for a Québec Acceptance Certificate for Temporary Work, duly completed
    - payment of the fees levied to review the CAQ application
    - a copy of your valid work permit
    - a copy of your last notice of assessment or your last tax information slip (T4), if applicable.


If you reside in Montréal : send all of these documents to the Direction de la sélection des travailleurs – Validation des offres d’emploi.
If you reside elsewhere in Québec : send all of these documents to the Immigration-Québec office in your region.


If you would like to authorize your employer to represent you in your dealings with the MICC, you must provide him or her with a signed written proxy. For this purpose, you can fill in the last section of the Application for a Québec Acceptance Certificate for Temporary Work entitled Optional Authorization to Employer.  


  1. When you receive your new CAQ (your copy and the one for Citizenship and Immigration Canada – CIC), you must obtain your new work permit as soon as possible from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).

    Submit an application to modify the conditions of your stay in Canada to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta.

    Carefully follow the instructions in the CIC guide Application to change conditions, extend my stay or remain in Canada (PDF, 314 Kb).

    Attach to your application the documents listed in the Document Checklist for a Work Permit (PDF, 33 Kb). Do not forget to include a copy of your CAQ for the CIC in your mailing to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville.


Fees are levied at this stage.

Allow a few weeks to obtain your new work permit.


  • Make sure you send all of the documents required so as not to delay the review of your application.
  • If your employment contract ends, you must inform the MICC in writing without delay. You must also give your employer a written notice at least one week before the end of your employment contract.


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