Official site of the Government of Québec
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The feminine form is used for convenience and designates both men and women.

The following specific procedure applies to nurses.

Your future employer is responsible for taking the necessary steps. You can find out about them in Services for employers – Hiring a temporary foreign worker. Some steps, however, are incumbent upon you.


  1. It is important that you send certain documents to your future employer so that he or she has everything required to have the offer of employment approved. Send your employer the following:
    - a copy of the Attestation aux fins d’immigration issued by the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ)
    - the Application for a Québec Acceptance Certificate for Temporary Work, duly completed. You must sign the last section of the form entitled Optional authorization to employer, granting your employer the power to represent you
    - supporting documents required to process your application for a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ - Québec Acceptance Certificate)
    - payment of the fees levied to review your CAQ application.

    If your employer’s employment offer is accepted, he or she will send you a copy of the letter confirming the offer of employment as well as two copies of your CAQ issued by the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (one for you and one for Citizenship and Immigration Canada – CIC).

  1. You must then apply for a work permit at the Canadian Visa Office serving your country.

    Carefully follow the instructions in the Citizenship and Immigration Canada guide Applying for a Work Permit outside Canada (PDF, 248 Kb).

    Attach to your application the documents listed in the Document Checklist for a Work Permit (PDF, 33 Kb). Do not forget to include:
    - a copy of the letter confirming the employment offer made to you
    - a copy of your CAQ for the CIC
    - a copy of the Attestation aux fins d’immigration from the Ordre des infirmières et des infirmiers du Québec.


Fees are levied at this stage.

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Health and security checks

If applicable, you and each member of your family will have to meet the health and security requirements of the Government of Canada. When a medical examination is required, it will be conducted by a physician designated by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and fees are levied.

You must be sure to have a letter of authorization from the Canadian Visa Office before purchasing your airline ticket. You will obtain your work permit when you reach the point of entry in Québec, upon presentation of the letter of authorization.  



  • For confirmation of the employment offer and delivery of the work permit, expect a waiting-time that may stretch to a few months depending on your country of provenance, especially if a medical examination is required.
  • The period of validity of your passport should at least be equal to the duration of your work stay.



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Last modification : 2006-09-26
Portail du gouvernement du Québec