Reception and settling in of government-assisted refugees and humanitarian-protected persons abroad (Component 2)
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Reception and settling in of government-assisted refugees and humanitarian-protected persons abroad (Component 2)

This component is designed to guide government-assisted refugees and people in similar circumstances selected abroad during their first few days in Québec.

Organizations mandated to offer this component must also offer the activities and services in Component 1.


To facilitate the settling in of government-assisted refugees and people in similar circumstances selected abroad.

Eligible services

  • Reception at the bus terminal or airport.
  • Accompaniment to planned temporary lodging.
  • Intensive support during the first steps of settling in (e.g., looking for housing, applying for employment assistance, registering at the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ - health insurance board), applying for a social insurance number, applying for a permanent residence card, enrolling children at school, opening a bank account, basic grocery shopping, buying clothes, registering for French courses or other integration services, etc.).
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Last modification : 2006-08-20
Portail du gouvernement du Québec