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The Estrie region at a glance

Territory and main cities
Economy and employment
Immigration portrait
MICC services for immigrants
Resources and interesting links


June 2005 - Employment insertion of immigrants - PRIIME: a new program to support SMEs when hiring new arrivals and persons from visible minorities – Press release (in French only) and Thematic fact sheet (PDF, 164 Kb - in French only)

March 2005 - Immigration and integration of new arrivals - The Government of Québec and the City of Sherbrooke join their efforts in the field of immigration – Press release (in French only).

August 2003 - Consultative tour of the Estrie region on immigration, integration and intercultural relations – Press release (in French only).

Territory and main cities

There is no lack of attractions in the Estrie region. Situated among lakes and mountains, the region offers sports and cultural activities enjoyed by a growing number of visitors. The beauty of its landscape and the diversity of services make it a good place to live. A focal point of learning with its two universities, four colleges and more than 50 research centres, Estrie is developing at the pace of its discoveries. The Université de Sherbrooke, for example, is one of the most prestigious universities in Québec.

Information on the territory and its subregions

City of Sherbrooke
Portail régional de l'Estrie du gouvernement du Québec (Estrie regional portal - Government of Québec)
Conférence régionale des élus de l'Estrie (Regional conference of elected representatives from Estrie)
Eastern Townships Regional Tourist Association

Economy and employment

The Estrie region is very active in the agricultural sector, especially in dairy production. Mining also occupies an important part of the economy thanks to the extraction of asbestos and magnesium for example. Several firms in both traditional and non-traditional areas are also active here. Hence companies in microelectronics, precision tools, information technology and biomedical techniques operate alongside those in transportation equipment, textiles, and the processing of rubber, wood and paper.

The Estrie offers many jobs in most major sectors of the economy and enjoys an unemployment rate that is below the Québec average. The vitality of its small and medium sized businesses, the quality of its business infrastructure and the proximity of North American markets, make the Estrie the top exporting region of Québec.

Information on the economy, employment, services and cultural life

Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation

Business start-up support

Local development centre of Memphrémagog
Local development centre of the MRC of Asbestos
Local development centre of the MRC of Coaticook
Local development centre of the MRC of Granit
Local development centre of the MRC of Haut-Saint-François
Local development centre of the MRC of Val Saint- François
Maison régionale de l'industrie (Industry regional centre)
Pro-gestion Estrie
Société de développement économique de Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke economic development corporation)

Immigration portrait

Through different organizations, Estrie offers a range of services to help new immigrants integrate and find employment. Several communities are already represented in the region. They come from a variety of countries, including the United States, France, the United Kingdom, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Colombia, Argentina and China.

MICC services for immigrants

Information sessions for new immigrants
Information service on regulated professions
French courses for non-francophones
Directory of services offered by community partners
Comparative Evaluation for Studies Done Outside Québec

Resources and interesting links

International social security agreements
Actions interculturelles de développement et d'éducation (AIDE) (Intercultural actions for development and education)
Bishop's University
Centre interculturel peuplestrie optimum (CIPO)
Centre Saint-Michel
City of Coaticook
City of Lac-Mégantic
City of Magog
City of Sherbrooke
Collège de Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke College)
Festival des traditions du monde (World traditions festival)
Fédération des communautés culturelles de l'Estrie (Estrie federation of cultural communities)
Rencontres Interculturelles des Familles de l'Estrie (RIFE) (Intercultural meeting of Estrie families)
Service d'aide aux Néo-Canadiens (SANC) (Assistance service for new Canadians)
Sherbrooke University
Regional reports: profiles of regions and MRCs (county regional municipalities)
Heading for Success

To learn more

Contact the service Immigration-Québec – Direction régionale de l'Estrie, de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec or the Québec Immigration Office covering your territory.


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Last modification : 2006-11-23
Portail du gouvernement du Québec