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The Montreal region at a glance

Territory and main cities
Economy and employment
Portrait of immigration
Services offered by the Department to immigrants
Resources available and interesting links

Territory and main cities

With its 1,782,835 inhabitants, 25% of Québec’s population lives in the Montréal region. Montréal offers an enviable quality of life and is recognized for its openness, artistic dynamism, economic strength and cultural vitality. The cost of living is affordable compared to other metropolitan regions of the same size. Montréal is a safe city where one can live in complete tranquility.

The Montréal region consists of the city of Montréal and the suburbs of Beaconsfield, Baie-D’Urfé, Côte-Saint-Luc, Dollard-Des-Ormeaux, Dorval, Hampstead, Kirkland, L’Ïle-Dorval, Montréal-Est, Montréal-Ouest, Mont-Royal, Pointe-Claire, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Senneville and Westmount.

Information on the territory and its subregions

Montréal International – Living in Montréal section
Regional portal of Montréal
Regional conference of elected officials (CRE) of Montréal
Ministère du Development économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation (Dév. Régional/régions/Montréal)

Economy and employment

The labour market in the Montréal region represents an important employment pool in several growth sectors such as the machinery industry, food and beverage manufacturing, professional, scientific and technical services, health care and social assistance, business and buildings management services. Montréal is an important centre of economic activity which generates approximately 1,112,820 jobs.

Information on the economy, employment, services and cultural life

Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation
Montréal International:
Key sectors
Invest in Montréal

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Portrait of immigration

A destination for immigrants for several decades already, the Montréal region is cosmopolitan. It is home to the vast majority of people from cultural communities and people who have immigrated here. According to the 2001 census, 70% of individuals born abroad and residing in Québec live in the Montréal region. They account for 28% of the total population of the region.

More than 120 cultural communities are represented in Montréal. The main countries of birth of the immigrant population are: Europe (37%), Asia (29.5%), America (21%) and Africa (12.4%). From 2000 to 2004, immigrants who were granted permanent status and who settled in Montréal in January 2006 came from Asia (31.1%), Africa (28.7%), Europe (22.5%) and America (17.4%).

Services offered by the Department to immigrants

Information sessions for new immigrants
Information service on regulated professions
French courses for non-francophones
Directory of services offered by community partners
Comparative Evaluation for Studies Done Outside Québec

Resources available and useful links

City of Montréal
Library and National Archives of Québec

To learn more

Contact the service Immigration-Québec of the Montréal region that covers your borough or municipality.


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Last modification : 2006-11-03
Portail du gouvernement du Québec