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Home > Information Center > All news > 2006 > 2006-04-06 Fuel tax refund in respect of biodiesel fuel
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Fuel tax refund in respect of biodiesel fuel

Following the Budget Speech of March 23, 2006, a new measure came into effect to foster use of biodiesel fuel, a renewable fuel that can reduce polluting emissions and help to cut greenhouse gases. Thus, consumers who purchase biodiesel fuel can claim a refund of the fuel tax paid. This measure applies to biodiesel fuel acquired after March 23, 2006. However, no refund is granted if the biodiesel fuel is mixed with another type of fuel at the time it is acquired.

The refund application must cover a period of no less than three months and no more than twelve months. However, it may cover a period of less than three months if at least 3,000 litres or more of biodiesel fuel have been purchased. Applications must be submitted within fifteen months following the first purchase of biodiesel covered by the claim. 

Revenu Québec is currently preparing a refund application form. In the meantime, consumers can apply in writing to Revenu Québec for a refund, enclosing the original biodiesel fuel receipts. The receipts must state that the biodiesel is pure (not mixed with any other type of fuel at the time of purchase) and indicate the date of purchase, the quantity purchased, proof that the fuel tax was paid and the supplier's name and contact information. In addition, consumers must specify the reason for which the biodiesel fuel was acquired.

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