Développement durable, Environnement et Parcs
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The National Parks of Québec

Contributing to the protection of our collective heritage

Quebecers are justifiably proud of nature’s generosity in providing them with an abundance of natural wonders, ideal for relaxation and the practice of leisure activities.

Moved by a desire to protect our collective natural heritage and to make it possible for all to enjoy its riches, the Government of Québec created a network of national parks. Thus it came to be that exceptional natural sites and areas representative of Québec’s natural landscapes are being handed down from generation to generation, while being developed for the benefit of all who wish to discover the abundance and diversity of nature.

These protected areas constitute reference zones in which nature evolves without any intervention beyond what is essential for their conservation and their educational and recreational enhancement. The parks of Québec therefore represent a concrete contribution by Québec society toward safeguarding biodiversity.

Through the beauty and integrity of their natural environments and their cultural and historical characteristics, the parks form a remarkable window on Québec, one that is appreciated not only by Quebecers but by many foreign tourists in search of natural spaces. In 2004-2005, over three million nature lovers entered one or another of the parks in Québec’s network. These exceptional spaces are thus an important contributor to tourist development in the regions where they are located, helping to keep thousands of jobs in Québec.

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