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The Régie

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Strategic Plan 2006-2011 French only
The Board of Directors of the Régie des rentes du Québec's adopted the strategic plan for 2006-2011 in January 2006. Strategic planning gives the Régie an effective management tool. It is also a means to inform the public and the Régie's employees of the main orientations that the Régie intends to take in order to meet tomorrow's challenges.
Apr 200634 pages
PDF747 K
Proudly Building Your Future for 40 YearsPublished on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Régie des rentes du Québec, this booklet paints a picture of today's Régie and outlines its development since its creation in 1965.brochure_40_ans Jan 200624 pages
PDF1,1 M
Service StatementThis document sets out the commitments that the Régie and its employees make to the public. These commitments show the Régie's desire to offer quality service to all its clients taking into account client expectations that were expressed during surveys.Maximum: 1 copydeclaration_services Apr 20063 pages
PDF279 K
Strategic Plan 2002-2007

French only

The Board of Directors of the Régie des rentes du Québec's adopted the Régie's strategic plan for 2002-2007 on 12 October 2001. For an agency like the Régie, strategic planning is a way to have a management tool and an instrument to inform the public and the Régie's employees of the main orientations that the Régie plans to follow to fact the challenges that await it. From now until 2007, the strategic plan will allow the Régie to build an effective system for financial security after retirement that is adapted to Québec's social, demographic and economic situation.
plan_strategique_2002_2007 Jun 200538 pages
PDF535 K
Accountability and Performance Agreement (APA)

French only

The Accountability and Performance Agreement gives a brief description of the Régie. It defines the Régie's mission, strategic orientations, products and services and its management framework. The APA introduces the Régie's contributors, beneficiaries, suppliers, partners and the allocation of its resources. The agreement sets out the mechanisms for follow-up and accountability and lays out the performance indicators the Régie uses.
convention_performance_imputabilite Jun 200538 pages
PDF664 K
Delegation of powers by the Board of Directors of the Régie des rentes du Québec

French only

This delegation covers powers that the Board of Directors of the Régie has delegated to the President of the Régie and that he in turn may delegate to the Régie's employees.
pouvoirs_ca May 200513 pages
PDF143 K
Delegations of powers of the President of the Régie des rentes du Québec

French only

The laws administered by the Régie give the Régie several powers. In order to ensure administrative efficiency, the Régie delegates some powers to certain of its employees.
pouvoirs_president Jul 200536 pages
PDF167 K