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Subscribe to our RSS feeds

By reading our RSS feeds, you can be the first to get:

RSS our breaking news

RSS our press releases (French only)

RSS our Liaison RRQ

We encourage the use of our RSS news feeds for personal use (with a news aggregator) or on a personal Web site or blog. By using our news feeds, you accept the following terms of use.

What is an RSS feed?

RSS means "really simple syndication". This technology allows you to use a single software application to receive the most recently published information from several Web sites, without having to visit each site. All you have to do is subscribe to the RSS feeds that interest you.

The Régie's RSS feeds comply with the RSS 2.0 standard. They are compatible with all newsreaders (Web browsers, news aggregators, etc.) that support RSS 0.91, RSS 0.92, RSS 1.0 and RSS 2.0.

How to use our RSS feeds

You will need an RSS reader or an RSS Web browser plug-in. Once your RSS reader is installed, you can add the RSS feeds that interest you,. If you subscribe to the Régie's RSS feeds, we will automatically send your RSS reader our breaking news and our press releases.

  1. Click on the RSS icon for the feed that you want.

    RSS our breaking news

    RSS our press releases (French only)

    RSS our Liaison RRQ

  2. Copy the URL (http://www....) that appears in your Web browser's address window.
  3. Paste the address in your RSS reader's subscription window.