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Unions and their representatives know the importance of a pension plan in the lives of Québec workers. The Régie des rentes du Québec has prepared this section to provide unions with information on pension plans.

Helpful information...

There's a word for it!

Several terms are used to talk about pension plans. Here's a short list: supplemental pension plan, registered pension plan (term used by federal government agencies), pension fund, company plan, private pension plan. 


Pension plans and financial planning: a social responsibility

Talk it over with your members - We can provide you with lots of services and tools as well as information sessions in the workplace to make your members aware of the importance of making serious financial plans for retirement.

What if a company does not offer a pension plan?

Talk it over with the employer - This section will provide you with talking points that you can use when discussing the advantages of a pension plan: tax advantages, easier manpower recruitment, lower employee turnover, etc. Those are all advantages that an employer will find desirable.

Other useful link...

Flash Retraite Québec

It's free intelligent and innovative. CompuPension is an effective and useful tool for knowing about the income sources that you will have after retirement.