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Our results

The modernization of public administration is intended to focus on service delivery to the public. A public body that wants to perform well must:

  • measure its activities
  • use those measurements as a basis for decision making
  • make its results public so that its performance can be assessed and compared with the performance of other organizations.

Annual management report

Our annual report is our main public accountability instrument and is part of our results-based management procedures. Parliamentarians and the general public can consult it and pass judgment on our performance. 

What it contains

Pursuant to section 24 of the Public Administration Act, the annual management must contain the Régie's results with regard to our strategic plan.

In accordance with our Accountability and Performance Agreement, we must report:

  • the results obtained in regard to the objectives of the annual action plan
  • the means taken to reach those results
  • the resources available
  • a comparison of our results with those of similar organizations, where that is possible


In addition, we report on our respect of the commitments made in our Service Statement.

Please note that the following reports are available in French only.