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The Québec Pension Plan

The decision to retire and the choice of when to do so may depend on the income you will have at your disposal. If you contributed sufficiently, the retirement pension payable under the Québec Pension Plan will provide you with a basic income.

The amount of your retirement pension is calculated on the basis of the employment earnings recorded under your name since 1966, the date on which the Plan started. The amount also varies according to your age when you begin receiving your pension.

You can start receiving a retirement pension as early as age 60, but the amount will be lower than if you wait until you reach normal retirement age, or age 65. If you stop working earlier, you will have to wait until you turn 60 to start receiving it. 45

What you need to know

It's free intelligent and innovative. CompuPension is an effective and useful tool for knowing about the income sources that you will have after retirement.