RégieNet - On-line services

Identification methods

Identification: your passport to secure, personalized services

Why we authenticate your identity before giving you access to some of our services

Some of our services require information contained in your file at the Régie. We must be sure of your identity so that you will be the only person who has access to your information.

Those services are personalized: they ask you questions about your situation, give you personalized answers on-line and can save your information for your use at a later date.

How we authenticate your identity

You can choose any one of the following 3 methods:

1. ClicSÉQUR ID (Québec government's identity authentification service)   

  • The clicSÉQUR ID will give you access to the Régie's electronic services and to those of other Québec government departments and agencies.
  • You choose a user code and password: these 2 elements comprise your clicSÉQUR ID.
  • Your ID is provided on-line within seconds.
  • After you have obtained your clicSÉQUR ID, you must register for the Régie's services. You can cancel your registration at any time.
  • The next time you use one of our personalized services, you need only provide your clicSÉQUR ID.
  • To obtain an ID, you must have filed an income tax return with Revenu Québec in recent years.

2. Revenu Québec's Clic Revenu electronic services

  • This method provides access to Régie and Revenu Québec on-line services only.
  • You already have a Clic Revenu user code and password.
  • When you use one of the Régie's personalized services, you must provide your user code and password and agree to allow Revenu Québec to send us information about you to confirm your identity.


Important notice for Clic Revenu users

The Régie encourages the use of clicSÉQUR, which has been available since 2005. It is a government authentication service that will, in the near future, replace Clic Revenu as the only identification method.

If you have a Clic Revenu user code, you can still use it for the time being. 

3. The Régie's Personal access code (PAC)

  • This code provides access to the Régie's services only.
  • The 9-digit code is valid for 2 years.
  • Each time you use an on-line service, you will have to provide your PAC and some other personal information to authenticate your identity.

Important notice for PAC users

The Régie encourages the use of clicSÉQUR, which has been available since December 2005. It is a government authentication service that will, in the near future, become the only identification method.

If you have a personal access code (PAC) you can still use it for the time being. However, the Régie will no longer be issuing PACs.


How to obtain a user ID to access personalized services

From now on, only the clicSÉQUR method will allow you to obtain a new user ID.

Each time you select one of the Régie's personalized services, you will be asked to specify the method you prefer to use to authenticate your identity. Select clicSÉQUR, then follow the instructions. You will receive your clicSÉQUR ID user code on-line. 

If you already have a Clic Revenu ID or a personal access code (PAC), you can still use them for the time being.

Our personalized services and how to access them

The following services are personalized services, that is, they require information contained in your file:

On the information page for the selected service, click on the button « Go to the service ». When the page opens, you will be asked to specify the desired authentication method. Select your preferred method and give the requested information.

* These services have several versions, including a personalized version.

Practical corner
  • Identification methods demo
  • CompuPension demo
  • Application for a retirement pension demo
Count me in!

Your code allows you to use CompuPension, consult your statement of participation, submit an application for a retirement pension, make a change of address or change your direct deposit information.