Gouvernement du Québec - Justice


Where to find help

To find information on this site, start by looking at the headings in the Information section (in the menu on the left), which lists the main information provided for the general public.

You may also consult the Site Map, which shows the main types of information - general, specialized and administrative - contained on this site.

Information on the Government of Québec, government departments and bodies in the public and semipublic sectors is accessible through the Québec’s Government Portal Clicking on this icon will take you to another website..


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Icon Clicking on this icon will take you to another website.

When you click on a link followed by the Clicking on this icon will take you to another website. icon you will be taken to a different website. If the icon contains an acronym (e.g. ), you will be redirected to information provided by the body identified by the acronym and hosted on a different website.

When you access another site, you are no longer subject to the confidentiality agreement of the Ministère de la Justice. The contents of the linked sites are under the responsibility of other organizations, and are not necessarily endorsed by the Ministère de la Justice du Québec.

Meaning of the icons

Icons Government bodies Clicking on this icon will take you to another website.
Bureau des infractions et amendes
Court of Appeal of Québec
(Cour d'appel du Québec)
Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse
Conseil de la justice administrative
Court of Québec
(Cour du Québec)
Commission des services juridiques
Superior Court of Québec
(Cour supérieure du Québec)
Registrar of Civil Status
(Directeur de l'État civil)
Ministère de la Justice
Office de la protection du consommateur
Office des professions du Québec
Register of personal and movable real rights
(Registre des droits personnels et réels mobiliers)
Registry of lobbyists
(Registre des lobbyistes)
Service de certification
Société québécoise d’information juridique
(Société québécoise d'information juridique)
Tribunal administratif du Québec
Icône indiquant que l'utilisateur sera conduit à un autre site. Other websites


Latest update: January 5, 2006

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