Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec Bandeau section Assurance médicaments
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You are here: Home > Services for the Public > Prescription Drug Insurance
Prescription Drug Insurance - For Our Greater Benefit

Since 1997, prescription drug insurance coverage has been compulsory for all Quebecers. Two types of insurance plans offer this coverage:

From the menu on the left, you can access a wealth of information about the coverage provided by these plans. If you wish, you can consult the Act respecting prescription drug insurance (R.S.Q., c. A-29.01) and the Regulation respecting the basic prescription drug insurance plan (A-29.01, r.2).


Make Sure You're Covered by the Right Plan

Everyone who has access to a private plan must join the plan. All others must register for the public plan. It's up to you to make sure you're covered by the right plan.

For this purpose, the Régie has prepared a short exercise to enable you to determine what your situation is.

Click here to do the exercise


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