Home > Our services > On-line services > Statement of Participation in the Québec Pension Plan

Statement of Participation in the Québec Pension Plan

Consult your Statement on-line

Statement of Participation in the Québec Pension Plan

For whom is this service intended?

For you, if you are contributing or have previously contributed to the Québec Pension Plan.

What are the advantages of this on-line service?

You will be able to:
  • consult your Statement of Participation in the Québec Pension Plan on-line
  • print your Statement, if you wish
  • successfully plan your retirement, since the Statement shows you:
    • the employment income recorded under your name for the Québec Pension Plan.
    • the amounts to which you and your family could be entitled in the case of your retirement, disability or death

How to use this service

You must first authenticate your identity with your user code. Your Statement of Participation will be displayed on the screen.

Another way to obtain your Statement

You can request your Statement on-line and receive it by regular mail.