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Model Provisions for Protection of Québec Gouverment Intellectual Property Rights

The material on this site is owned by the Québec Government and all intellectual property rights therein are held by Québec Government. Unless indicated otherwise, such rights extend to all documents, data, compilations and other works disseminated on this site. Québec Government trademarks are also protected.

The documents, data, compilations or other works contained in this site may be reproduced in any manner or downloaded for non-commercial purposes, without authorization and at no cost, provided the source is acknowledged. No commercial use may be made of the material without prior authorization by Québec Government. Please refer to the Intellectual Property Rights page.

Accuracy and reliability of information
The Québec Government warrants the accuracy and reliability of information at the posting time but not subsequent thereto and accepts no liability whatsoever for the accuracy of any document, data or other material after it has been altered or modified in any manner, after downloading or otherwise. Moreover, in the event of a discrepancy between an official text and the content of this site, the official text prevails.

Intellectual property rights
The Québec Government holds exclusive intellectual property rights over the documents it produces and publishes, including all administrative texts and official texts (statutes, regulations by-laws, judgments and so on), whether produced by Québec Government employees, a government department, a public agency or a third party having assigned the rights or granted a user licence to the Québec Government. Intellectual property rights include copyrights, trademarks and patents.

The information and compilations contained in the Québec Government site are protected by copyright in the same manner as multimedia, literary, musical and artistic works.

Unless otherwise indicated and subject to exceptions provided by statute, no material that is subject to intellectual property rights may be used without the appropriate authorizations, licences, permissions or grant of interest from or by the holder of the rights. This applies notably to reproduction or storage for any purpose other than those strictly permitted

Thus, anybody planning or wishing, for marketing purposes, to reproduce, store, download, translate or publicly show sounds or images or to send, by means of telecommunication, any document, data or other contents from this site must obtain advance authorization from the Québec government. This authorization may be obtained from the Service de la gestion des droits d'auteur* of the Publications du Québec.

Moreover, the removal of the name of Québec Government from the material used or any modification of the contents by addition, deletion or otherwise constitutes an infringement of the moral rights of the Québec Government.

* Standards governing acquisition, use, and management of royalties for documents held by the government, the departments and public bodies designated by the government (M.O., 2000, Gazette officielle du Québec (French version only), October 25, 2000, 132nd year, no. 43, pp. 6753-6757 and Order in Council 12-2001, Gazette officielle du Québec (French version only), January 31, 133th year, No. 5, pp. 1172-1173).

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Gouvernement du Québec
© Gouvernement du Québec, 2004