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Contact data for Quebec‘s network abroad

Offices abroad  

North America Central and South America Europe Asia

Through its network, the department offers services, advice, and activities adapted to the characteristics of different countries to businesses, creators, researchers, and Québec institutions. The network is comprised of the following:

Contact data for Québec‘s network abroad 

General delegation

  • The most important office of Québec abroad
    Under the direction of a Delegate General appointed by the government
    Offers services in the following sectors of activity:
    • Economy
    • Education
    • Culture
    • Immigration

  • Employs:
  • Advisors, who are employees seconded from a Québec department for the length of the assignment.
  • Attachés and support staff recruited in-country.

Québec has General Delegations in:


  • Headed by a delegate appointed by the Government;
  • Offers services in the following sectors of activity:
    • Economy
    • Education
    • Culture
    • Immigration
    • Public affairs

  • Employs:
  • Advisors, who are employees seconded from a Québec department for the length of the assignment.
  • Attachés and support staff recruited in-country.

Québec has Delegations in:



  • Headed by a director appointed by the Minister of International Relations.
  • Provides services in a limited number of areas.
  • Employs attachés and support staff recruited in-country.

Québec has Bureaus in:

Trade branch

  • Headed by a resident of the host country.
  • Provides services in a specific number of areas.
  • Employs staff recruited in-country.

Québec has Trade Branches in:

Business agents

  • Are independent professional intermediaries providing non-exclusive service for the Gouvernement du Québec.
  • Takes instruction from the cognizant department.

Québec employs Business Agents in:
