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Québec in International Forums
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Strenghtening Québec‘s capacity
for action and influence

Increasing numbers of norms and standards resulting from international conventions and agreements have a direct impact on the responsibilities of the Government of Québec. Its ability to make collective decisions, enact legislation, and adopt regulations is now influenced by these international norms. The government can either be subjected to these changes or strive to influence events in a direction favourable to its interests and the values of Québec’s society. Québec has opted for the second alternative. In order to achieve this, it must be able to join the networks responsible for setting the norms, have access to foreign decision-makers, and avail itself of every possible means in order to have a real influence in the international arena.

Two priorities will serve as guides for its initiatives over the coming years:


Increase Québec’s presence and participation in international organizations as well as in negotiations and discussions dealing with Québec’s interests:

Key Initiatives

  • Presence in international organizations.

    • Negotiate the establishment of a stable and predictable framework with the federal government to facilitate Québec’s participation in the proceedings of international organizations and forums.
    • Name a permanent representative of the Government of Québec within the permanent Delegation of Canada to UNESCO.
    • Implement a plan of action aimed at supporting the ratification of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions by as many countries as possible.
    • Step up Québec’s presence in Washington in order to stay abreast of the work of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the World Bank.
    • Ensure the participation of experts from Québec in task forces created by international organizations.
    • Increase the number of interns from Québec in international organizations.
  • Participation in negotiations and proceedings concerning its interests:

    • Participate more directly with Canadian negotiation teams at the WTO.
    • Participate in establishing the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America between Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
    • Participate directly in negotiations on a draft of the Trade and Investment Enhancement Agreement between Canada and the European Union.



Intensify relations with political and economic decision-makers of countries, federated states and regions having shared interests with Québec:

Key Initiatives

  • Redeploy Québec’s network of delegations and offices abroad to strengthen its presence in certain priority areas.

  • Develop relations with federated states and large regions:

    • Reinforce ties with American and Mexican states.
    • Ensure representation at regional proceedings in Europe such as the Assembly of European Regions (AER) and the Conference of Presidents of Regions with Legislative Powers (REGLEG).
    • Participate in the Conference of Heads of Government of Partner Regions to promote educational, environmental, scientific, and technological exchanges.

  • Work more closely with public institutions, especially large urban areas and institutions of higher learning, as well as with representatives of the civil society.


Last updated : 2006-08-25 

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Ministère des Relations internationales

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006