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Regions and federal States  

Given the growing impact of international relations on areas under their jurisdiction, a number of federated states are working to build networks that allow them to join forces with partner governments to come up with tangible solutions. Québec intends to promote the growth of these networks.


Partner Regions

Certain groups of federated states and regions are based on shared interests rather than strictly geographical criteria. Along with Bavaria, Québec is a co-founder of the Partner Regions group, which also includes Upper Austria, Shandong, Western Cape, São Paulo and, as of 2008, Florida. Québec plans to continue to participate in international forums that allow it to develop its relations with other regional governments.


In Europe, efforts by federated states and regions are driven by regional political forums such as the Conference of European Regions with Legislative Powers and the Assembly of European Regions, where Québec has the status of partner. The membership of the latter organization includes Québec partners like Wallonia, Flanders, Bavaria and Catalonia, which facilitate Québec’s access to European institutions and markets.

North America

Northeastern North America is no stranger to the trend toward regional networks. Québec participates in Hemispheria summits along with U.S. and Mexican states and other Canadian provinces. In a context where air quality, energy-market structures and supply-chain security require collaboration between American states and Canadian provinces, the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers, of which Québec is a member, is a tool for developing consensus and shaping the regional space.

As an associate member of the Council of Great Lakes Governors, like Ontario, Québec enjoys direct relations with some of the most populous and industrialized U.S. states. CGLG members are united by a variety of shared interests, starting with management of the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence watershed system.

International agreements signed by federated states

Signed in 2005 by Québec, Ontario and eight American states, the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement is the first-ever international instrument signed by federated states in two different countries. It is aimed at protecting the world’s largest freshwater basin.

At the initiative of Québec and Bavaria, the members of the Partner Regions group have agreed unanimously to step up their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At a summit held in July 2006 in Linz, Austria, the heads of government of Upper Austria, São Paulo, Western Cape and Shandong added their signatures to a declaration of intent on biofuel already signed by Québec and Bavaria during the Climate Leaders Summit held in Montréal in December 2005. By virtue of this declaration, the signatories have agreed to boost their efforts to encourage the use of biofuel in the transportation sector and promote research aimed at developing new sources of biomass energy.


Last updated: 2006-11-24

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Ministère des Relations internationales

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006