
Service statement


The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec is attentive and responsive to the cultural community

The 2004-2005 Service Statement of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec affords the Conseil an opportunity to reaffirm the commitment of its entire staff to offer Quebecers quality services.

The Conseil is a province-wide institution that has sought constantly since its inception in 1994 to adequately satisfy the needs of the community that it serves. In conjunction with its 10th anniversary in 2004, the Conseil is renewing its objectives to ensure that the cultural community obtains quality information and accessible services and that the organization enhances the efficiency of its management processes. To attain these objectives, the Conseil is relying on competent staff and rigorous, open management practices.

The Conseil is especially sensitive to the needs of artists, writers and organizations. For this reason, it is focusing in particular on the enhancement of its grant programs in order to adequately respond to changes in various fields of artistic endeavour. In this respect, the Conseil will pursue its efforts in order to consult the cultural milieus, enhance information intended for the public, ensure the active presence of its staff throughout Québec, and implement streamlined, flexible, efficient management tools and practices.

The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec will thus spare no effort to improve services intended for the public and the artists, writers and arts organizations that are contributing to the development of our culture throughout Québec.

Yvan Gauthier
Chairman and CEO

N.B.: In the interests of stylistic clarity, the masculine form is used in these documents and is understood to designate women and men.


The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec was created by the Québec government in the wake of the unveiling of the latter's cultural policy. In 2004, the Conseil is celebrating 10 years of service to artists, writers and arts organizations throughout Québec.

The Conseil promotes and supports the development of the arts and literature in Québec. Through its initiatives, it ensures respect for the status of professional artists and the enhancement of the socioeconomic conditions of Québec artists, writers and cultural workers. In this way, it espouses the Québec government's key policy directions concerning social and legal recognition of artists and writers. Through its initiatives, the Conseil fosters access by all Quebecers to art works and artistic productions.

Mandate and organization
Under its mandate, the Conseil supports throughout Québec creation, experimentation and production in the realms of the performing arts, the multidisciplinary arts, the circus arts, the visual arts, the media arts, architectural research, arts and crafts, and literature and seeks to broaden their influence in Québec, Canada and abroad. It also supports the advanced training of writers and professional artists.

A board of directors comprising not more than 13 members appointed by the government at the suggestion of the Minister of Culture and Communications, following consultation with organizations that the government deems to be representative of the arts and literary communities, manages the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec. Board members are drawn from the arts and literary communities and come from different regions of Québec.

The Conseil manages financial assistance programs offered to artists, writers and non-profit professional arts organizations. It awards grants according to the principle of merit rating by juries and committees made up of peers.

The Conseil also recognizes artists through awards for excellence in the arts. It regularly consults artistic milieus and advises the Minister of Culture and Communications on all questions concerning fields or questions under its jurisdiction. The Conseil may conclude agreements with partners in Québec and abroad and receive contributions compatible with its responsibilities.

The Conseil subscribes to values that justify its initiatives aimed at the arts and literary communities and Québec society as a whole:

  • the autonomy and freedom to create of artists and writers;
  • the artistic and administrative independence of organizations;
  • recognition by peers of artistic merit;
  • collaboration with the arts and literary communities;
  • rigour and openness in methods of attributing financial assistance;
  • the efficiency of management processes and staff accountability.

In its 2004-2008 strategic plan, the Conseil puts forward the six major strategic policy directions and targeted objectives that it intends to achieve by 2008. Specifically, it intends to:

  • support artists and writers according to the needs inherent in each stage of their careers;
  • bolster production and dissemination organizations that make a significant contribution in their fields and territories;
  • broaden the dissemination and circulation of art works and artistic productions throughout Québec;
  • help broaden the influence abroad of artists, writers and organizations;
  • establish new means of financial support and forms of partnership that complement existing measures and are likely to ensure the ongoing development of the arts and literature;
  • promote the Conseil's mission, values and services.

The Conseil focuses on the following artistic disciplines: the visual arts, arts and crafts, literature, theatre, music, dance, the multidisciplinary arts, popular song, the circus arts, the media arts, and architectural research.

If offers writers and professional artists grants intended to support research and creation and career development grants to cover advanced training, sojourns abroad, travel, commissions, participation in artist-in-residence programs, and literary performances.

Moreover, the Conseil offers non-profit arts organizations grants in respect of operations, production, promotion or dissemination projects, tours inside and outside Québec, hosting of foreign productions and the organization of province-wide and international events. The Conseil also supports professional associations, provincial groups and service organizations in the realm of the arts and literature.

Each year, the Conseil receives over 4600 applications for financial assistance from all regions of Québec. It supports more than 490 organizations and offers individual assistance to some 1300 professional writers and artists. It processes fairly and impartially all of the applications submitted to it. To this end, the Conseil relies on the expertise and competence of dedicated staff.

In conjunction with its evaluation processes, it calls upon peers and specialists in various artistic fields, all of whom are bound by the ethical and confidentiality rules adopted by the Conseil.

If offers artists, writers and arts organizations information sessions devoted to its mandate, programs and services. It produces and makes available to the public and researchers studies and data on the arts and literature and changes in the sector.

Information accessible to everyone
Information on the Conseil's programs is widely disseminated throughout Québec and is available from the Conseil's offices, on its Web site and from regional cultural boards, Communication-Québec and regional offices of the ministère de la Culture et des Communications.

The clarity and accessibility of information tools are the guiding principles of the Conseil's communications initiatives. The full contents of the Conseil's programs and most of its publications are available in printed form and in HTML format on its Web site. All forms are downloadable and the Conseil endeavours to maximize compatibility with the systems, platforms, printers and software versions that Net surfers use.

In order to publicize its initiatives, the Conseil disseminates, among other things, an annual management report, a list of grants, statistical bulletins, an information guide on the principles governing the awarding of grants to artists, writers and arts organizations, and a series of publications focusing on the arts and literature in Québec.

Ethics and confidentiality
The Conseil has adopted rules governing ethics, confidentiality and conflicts of interest.

The CEO, the Secretary of the Conseil and the members of the board of directors are subject to the code of ethics governing the Conseil's administrators. Managers and all staff are subject to the code of ethics governing the Conseil's employees.

The code of ethics governing members of juries and advisory committees and assessors covers individuals who are asked to sit on committees that evaluate grant applications. The members of committees and juries and assessors must undertake in writing to comply with these rules.

The codes of ethics can be consulted on the Conseil's Web site.

The Conseil has established an ethics committee that ensures the updating and redefinition of the codes of ethics. Moreover, a rigorous process respecting the analysis of requests for revision and the handling of complaints enables the Conseil to improve its relations with the arts and literary communities.

The Conseil listens attentively to the arts community
The Conseil has developed in recent years, in close collaboration with the arts and literary communities, guidelines and programs likely to satisfy the needs of artists, writers and arts organizations, the specific demands of each discipline, and regional dynamics. It has implemented effective tools and intends to pursue its initiatives in this regard and to regularly take into account expectations concerning services and its operation.

To adequately respond to Quebecers' expectations and, more specifically, the expectations of the arts and literary communities, the Conseil has made a number of commitments, indicated below.

Guarantee the openness of the processes governing the granting of financial assistance

  • The evaluation criteria and processes are clearly indicated in each financial assistance program that the Conseil adopts.
  • The names of assessors and the artists, writers and arts organizations that the Conseil supports are available in the Conseil's annual management report and on its Web site.
  • The names of the members of juries and advisory committees are also made public in the annual management report. Moreover, the names of the members of a jury may be communicated upon request three months after the announcement of the Conseil's decision and the names of the members of an advisory committee, three months after the conclusion of its mandate.
  • Artists, writers and arts organizations can obtain information on the evaluation of their applications by contacting the person responsible for the application.
  • The Conseil processes diligently, rigorously and impartially all applications from all regions of Québec.

Provide adequate expertise

  • The Conseil relies on qualified staff with a high level of expertise. Its employees establish respectful relations with artists, writers and arts organizations.
  • The Conseil has established a bank of resource persons in order to set up committees and juries. This bank is renewed regularly to ensure the diversity of artistic viewpoints on juries and committees and to update expertise according to the nature of the projects submitted. Anyone interested in being included in the bank may submit a request to this effect to the Conseil.

Guarantee fair, efficient management of grant applications

  • The Conseil relies on a single interlocutor when processing applications.
  • It takes into account the operating schedules of arts organizations when setting registration deadlines for its programs.
  • The Conseil is streamlining grant application forms and adapting them to different disciplines and programs.
  • The Conseil intends to comply with the application processing deadlines set in each of its programs.

Offer appropriate staff training
To maintain an expert, efficient team, staff training is one of the Conseil's key priorities. To this end, it organizes tailor-made training intended to broaden and update its employees' skills with a view to ensuring the ongoing enhancement of its services. The Conseil will ensure that it updates its employees' knowledge of the information technologies and current management methods.

Specific commitments made by the Conseil
In 2004-2005, the Conseil undertakes to:

Promote its mission, values and services
The Conseil intends to implement a communications plan that will enable it to make available to all Quebecers information on its mandate, programs, processes and management methods.

Enhance front-line information
The Conseil intends to provide its reception staff with effective information and communications tools in order to:

  • provide quality reception and information services;
  • efficiently refer individuals to the appropriate manager;
  • provide clear, precise, reliable information.

Ensure that its staff maintains an active presence throughout Québec

  • Organize information sessions for artists, writers and arts organizations throughout Québec in order to better take into account the regions;
  • Conclude cooperation agreements with regional cultural boards;
  • Implement a territorial action plan.

Simplify management processes and grant application forms

  • Redraft programs using clear language that is accessible to everyone and request only relevant information;
  • Initiate the revision of the objectives, criteria and evaluation processes of programs;
  • Take advantage of computers to process applications and manage results;
  • Comply with and, if possible, reduce application processing time;
  • Facilitate access to information requested by the clientele.

Comments on the quality of service
The Conseil attaches particular importance to satisfying the arts and literary communities. Suggestions and comments help to enhance the quality of its services and the Conseil undertakes to examine them carefully. Please submit comments to the Direction des relations publiques.

Telephone: (514) 864-2930

Toll free: 1 800 608-3350

Fax: (514) 864-4161



Québec (Head office)
79, boul. René-Lévesque Est
3e étage
Québec (Québec)
G1R 5N5

Telephone : (418) 643-1707
Toll-free : 1 800 897-1707
Fax : (418) 643-4558

Office hours*:
9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
500, place d'Armes
15e étage
Montréal (Québec)
H2Y 2W2

Telephone : (514) 864-3350
Toll-free : 1 800 608-3350
Fax : (514) 864-4161

Office hours*:
8:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Conseil Web site :

E-mail : info @

*Office hours may vary during registration periods. 

The Conseil will examine diligently and impartially all requests submitted to it. Moreover, it undertakes to send a clear, personalized response within a reasonable time.

The Conseil's offices are accessible to individuals with reduced mobility.

The telephone system allows callers to leave a message at any time.

This service statement was amended on March 2, 2006 and will be revised regularly. The annual management report examines the attainment of the Conseil's objectives.

This service statement does not have the force of law.

La version originale française de cette déclaration est disponible ici.

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