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Notice : Following the adoption of the Loi abrogeant la Loi sur la Société de la faune et des parcs du Québec, this site is being migrated to the Web site of the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune. The information pertaining to wildlife found at will gradually be moved to

Declaration of Services to Citizens

A competent, experienced team wishing to serve you better throughout Québec

La Société de la faune et des parcs du Québec and its personnel are proud to present their first declaration of services to citizens. It is testimony to their wish to give priority to quality services, forever keeping the citizen at the centre of their daily considerations.

Our Mission

La Société de la faune et des parcs du Québec has a mission to provide conservation and enhancement of wildlife and its habitat, with a view to harmonious sustainable park development from a cultural, social, economic, and regional perspective ; the Société must in this same perspective ensure development and management in order to promote conservation, education, and engagement in recreational activities.

Diversified Services

The Société provides a full range of wildlife and park services. For example, it:

• disseminates technical and scientific knowledge and information;

• offers educational programmes;

• delivers authorisations and permits;

• ensures application and respect of laws and regulations under its responsibility;

• conducts research to foster development of professional knowledge and expertise;

• supports research and development projects on a professional and financial basis.

Our Commitments

The Société and its personnel are committed to providing citizens with accessible, personalized, courteous services within reasonable time frames.


• Offer its services during normal office hours, that is between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. and from 1:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

• Provide access without calling fees to the Information Centre during normal office hours.

• Provide possibility of entering "0" to reach someone when calling during normal office hours.

• Provide for leaving a message in the voice mail or answering machine.

• Immediately greet persons who present themselves at its head office or various regional offices.

• Speak in precise, clear, and simple terms. This also applies to correspondence, forms, and other publications meant for the general public.

• Receive in a confidential manner, day and night, every day of the week, all information on poaching, through the free S.O.S. Braconnage line.

• Disseminate on its Internet site, information and documentation dealing with laws, regulations, politics, and programmes as soon as they are officially announced.

Given that the priority of local wildlife protection office personnel is territorial surveillance, the Société's office hours vary from one place to another. The Société and its personnel are however, committed to:

• Post days and hours when the office is open.

• Offer the possibility of leaving a message in the voice mail or answering machine at all times.

• Install a special box to receive mail brought by citizens.


• On the telephone, identify the Société and introduce oneself. When absent, provide the possibility for a client to reach another person by entering "0".

• When necessary, direct citizens to the most appropriate representative to answer the request and provide this representative's particulars.

• In the greeting message of one's voice mail or answering machine, indicate name and availability, and date of return in case of prolonged absence. Eventually designate the name of another person. This also applies for the electronic mail box.

• In regular mail or e-mail correspondence, identify oneself and indicate one's particulars (phone and telecopier number, address, etc.), or according to the request, the particulars of the person in charge of the file.



• Act with courtesy and respect in all circumstances.

• Be attentive to requests and needs. When necessary, orient and guide citizens to facilitate their efforts.


• Answer requests received at the Information Centre during normal office hours, in less than 30 seconds.

• Answer within 4 rings, calls received in offices on Québec territory during normal opening hours, or during posted days and hours in the case of local offices.

• Answer within 24 hours a request or a message left in the voice mail during normal office hours or during posted days and hours in the case of local offices.

• When required, send an acknowledgement of receipt or a response within five working days after receipt of postal or electronic correspondence.

• Disseminate on the Internet site free publications intended for the general public as soon as they are published.

• Respond within 5 working days after receipt of postal or electronic mail orders for free documents intended for the general public, and when necessary, send them by regular mail.



• Receive suggestions and commentaries with courtesy.

• Measure degree of service commitment attained.

• Regularly revise the commitments of this Declaration of Services to Citizens.


In spite of all our efforts to answer your requests, there may be situations which create dissatisfaction. In this case, the unsatisfied person may take the following means of recourse.

Administrative Department

At any time, speak or write to the superior of the person who answered or treated the request. In most cases, the problem or misunderstanding is straightened out during this step.

Bureau des plaintes

The Complaint Bureau offers another free and simple means of recourse. Simply telephone, or send a letter by telecopier, electronic mail, or post.

• The person who expresses his complaint verbally is assured of receiving a return call within 24 hours.

• In response to a written complaint, an acknowledgement is sent out within 48 hours after receipt at the Société.

In both cases, the Société is committed to dealing with a complaint within 20 working days.

Help Us to Serve You Better

We believe that you can help us to better serve you. That is why the Société and its personnel count on you to:

• Answer questions about your request, provide complete and precise information within prescribed time frames so as to permit us to deal properly with your request or your file.

• Provide complete particulars so as to enable easy communication with you or rapid sending of requested information or documents.

• Participate in our service evaluation proposals .

Your collaboration, respect, and politeness towards the Société's personnel as well as your understanding are also assurances of harmonious and relations and satisfaction.


As provided for by the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and Protection of personal information, the Société:

• Guarantees the confidentially of customer information by applying the laws and regulations to resolve complaints as well as in all procedures inherent to the execution of its mandates and activities, and only permits use of such information when provided for by law.

• Guarantees confidentiality of the identity of persons who communicate with the Service de la protection de la faune (wildlife protection service) to expose poaching activity.

Our results are made public

Results achieved in respect to commitments by the Declaration of Services for Citizens will be published in its annual management report. Furthermore, they will by shared with the Société's partners so as to determine specific areas for concrete improvements.


Centre d’information

Accueil et renseignements
Édifice Marie-Guyart,
675, boul. René-Lévesque Est
Québec (Québec) GIR 5V7
Téléphone : (418) 521-3830 ou 1 800 561-1616
Télécopieur : (418) 646-5974
Electronic mail:
Between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. - Monday to Friday

Bureau des plaintes
Société de la faune et des parcs du Québec
Édifice Marie-Guyart, 10e étage
675, boul. René-Lévesque Est, boîte 93
Québec (Québec) GIR 5V7
Téléphone : (418) 521-3870
Télécopieur : (418) 644-9727
Electronic mail:

The Bureau des plaintes receives comments and suggestions on our Declaration of services to citizens.

Internet site :

S.O.S  Braconnage : at all times, enter the number 1-800-463-2191 - confidential

Regional and local offices**, click here

Note: Theses addresses are subject to change.

** To avoid any inconveniences, check office hours and office seasons for the offices indicated by two asteriks.

Last modified on 2003-02-18

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