Our commitments introduced in the Declaration of services to citizens, confirm the Tribunal’s intention to offer quality services to citizens. They are meant for people who file a proceeding before the Tribunal against decisions rendered by public administration authorities (ministères, régies, boards, municipalities). Every year, this declaration will be reviewed to take into account the expectations of citizens.

The Tribunal administratif du Québec is a privileged actor of administrative justice. It is completely independent from Public Administration and judicial tribunals.

The Tribunal is especially responsible for determining proceedings brought by citizens against decisions rendered by Public Administration. The role of the Tribunal administrative du Québec, in cases and within the limits set by the Act respecting administrative justice, is to determine the proceedings brought against decisions rendered by Public Administration (departments and agencies, boards, commissions, municipalities) and determine compensation in cases of expropriation. It also acts as a Review Board in cases of mental disorder. In concrete terms, the Tribunal is a place where a citizen can assert his or her rights to challenge a decision made by Public Administration or in cases where freedom is restricted because of a mental condition.

Respect and promptness, we pledge to :  

  • Welcome you promptly at our Québec or Montréal offices.
  • Treat you with respect and courtesy.
  • Identify ourselves.
  • Open your file and acknowledge receipt of your application within five working days following its receipt.
  • Promptly answer your call or call you back on the next working day following your call at the latest.
  • Provide services in French or in English on request.
  • Inform you on the unfolding of the hearing when the notice to appear is transmitted.
  • Greet and guide you when you present yourself at a hearing or conciliation session in the Québec or Montréal offices.
Assistance, we pledge to :  
  • Provide the information you require, making sure our staff has the necessary qualifications.
  • Help you draft the written pleadings (recourse, motion). However, we cannot provide legal
    opinions or analyse the probability of success of your proceeding.
  • Provide, when requested, the particulars of the leading agencies that may help you prepare your recourse (ex. : Legal Aid, Bar of the Province of Quebec, etc.).
  • Make the rules of procedure of the Tribunal available; they can be obtained by coming to our offices, by mail or fax or on our Internet site.
  • Make sure our forms are available on our Internet site.
Accessibility, we pledge to :  
  • Help you file your originating motion, whether by mail or fax, or by coming to our offices or to a clerk’s office of the Court of Québec, small-claims court.
  • Communicate with you in a clear and simple language, giving you all the information needed to contact us.
  • Provide a toll-free number so that you can contact us free of charge from anywhere in Québec.
  • Provide services every working day from 8 : 30 a.m. to 4 : 30 p.m. without interruption and have a voice mail at your disposal outside these hours.
  • Hold hearings and conciliation sessions in all Québec regions, in premises that contribute to the smooth running of these activities.
  • Provide copies of the requested documents within a period of five working days upon payment of the applicable fees.
  • Make sure the publications of the Tribunal’s decisions are available for consultation in our offices.
  • Facilitate the informal disposition of your case through conciliation.
  • Assess our performance on meeting our commitments and releasing the results of the assessment.
Your cooperation, we depend upon you to :  
  • Inform us of any change of address or telephone number.
  • Make sure your file is ready for the hearing or conciliation session as soon as practicable :
  • Send us as soon as possible all the documents you consider necessary for the processing of your file.

    As soon as your proceeding has been filed :

    - Make the necessary arrangements to obtain an expert report, where applicable, file it with the Tribunal and forward a copy to the other party.

    - Choose a lawyer if it is your intention to be represented.

    - Determine who are the witnesses you wish to present.

    On receipt of the notice of meeting :

    - Make sure you are available as well as your witnesses, if any.

    - Make sure you have in hand all the documents you intend to use.

  • Submit your application for postponement as soon as practicable, if a postponement of the hearing or conciliation session appears inevitable.
Finally, we pledge to :  

Improve our services by considering your suggestions and comments and by processing within 20 days any complaint sent to :

Tribunal administratif du Québec
Complaints Officer
Office of the President
575, rue Saint-Amable
Édifice Lomer-Gouin
Québec (Québec) G1R 5R4

To contact us :  

Tribunal administratif du Québec
500, boul. René Lévesque Ouest, 21e étage
Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1W7
Telephone : 514 873-7154
Fax : 514 873-8288

Tribunal administratif du Québec
575, rue Saint-Amable
Édifice Lomer-Gouin
Québec (Québec) G1R 5R4
Telephone : 418 643-3418
Fax : 418 643-5335
Toll-free calls: 1 800 567-0278


You can consult our "Declaration of services to citizens" leaflet online.  (Format PDF, 458 Kb)