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Latest news  Press room

November 28 2006

Québec Without Borders Day: All Out Solidarity

Québec Without Borders Day brings together hundreds of young people gearing up for an international solidarity experience. Last Saturday, some 400 took part in the seventh edition of this annual event.

Those attending, aged 18 to 35, will be participating in Québec Without Borders (QSF)—a program sponsored by the Ministère des Relations internationales that is coordinated in partnership with the Association Québécoise des Organismes de Coopération Internationale (AQOCI). Each year, QSF enables young people to carry out fieldwork in an international solidarity context in French-speaking Africa, Latin America, or Québec by participating in projects developed by international cooperation organizations. The program also provides an opportunity for young people actively involved with partner organizations in southern countries to gain work experience in Québec related to their training or professional activities.

This year’s Québec Without Borders Day gave QSF interns a chance to get to know one another and exchange points of view on cooperation and international development issues as the 2007 internships draw closer. A dozen foreign interns likewise participated. In a spirit of solidarity for the benefit of underprivileged children in the greater Québec area, participants at the 2006 event made a donation of goods (clothing, food, toys, etc.) to brighten the children’s Christmas. This 7th edition of Québec Without Borders Day was also the venue for presenting the award-winning photos of the first QSF photography contest. First prize had been awarded earlier in November to Geneviève Pellerin for a snapshot taken in the summer of 2006 during a local development internship in Mali with the SUCO organization.

Over a 12-year period, QSF has made it possible for over 3,300 young people to take up the solidarity commitment challenge. This year, the Government of Québec is allocating 3 million dollars for the project. Contributing to international solidarity efforts is one of the five main goals of Québec’s International Policy.

Press release (in French)
Québec Without Borders (in French)
Award-winning photos – 2006 QSF Photography Contest (in French)
Association québécoise des Organismes de Coopération Internationale (in French)

Policy on privacy
Ministère des Relations internationales

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006